Mária Lesňáková


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I am a survivor!

Obľúbené literárne žánre

Páči sa vám tento profil a chceli by ste mať podobný?

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I am a survivor!

Obľúbené literárne žánre
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Verný zákazník
Google Translate
Robert Langdon
Šťastných 7
Šťastných 7
Šťastných 7
Šťastných 7
Šťastných 7
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Mária Lesňáková

Mária Lesňáková získala odznak Šťastných 7

04.12.2021 06:39

Tento rok sa vaša knižnica rozrástla už aspoň o 7 kníh... Tešíme sa spolu s tými, ktorí ich budú čítať :-)

Šťastných 7
Mária Lesňáková

Mária Lesňáková získala odznak Verný zákazník

03.12.2021 10:59

Bolo nám cťou vás obslúžiť už 30 krát. Vaša domáca knižnica musí byť skutočne výstavná!

Verný zákazník

Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

28.11.2021 08:54

I have never read any research on Internet linguistics (or internet linguistics,if you wish) before so I may not be completely eligible to comment on its content and relevance. However, I dare say it is one of the most gripping research publications I have ever come across. The author uses plain language to explain how the English language has changed and is still changing as affected by the Internet. When you are reading,you feel like she is speaking directly to you - the language user - and she inspires you to search for subtle meanings in instant messages, social media posts and basically any text found online or offline,for that matter. I especially enjoyed the chapters on acronyms, emoji and memes, which directly reflect our current view of the world as it is. Since the written text has no sound, users have created a whole set of tools to produce melody and what she calls 'the typographical tone of voice'. After reading this book,you will never look at the online text the same way again and you will be able to identify and analyze its sociolinguistics aspects more easily. You will also start to notice your own writing subleties thereby undestanding your inner world more.
Definitely worth reading.

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Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

10.11.2021 14:28

The human brain has a strong cognitive propensity toward order and categorisation. The author explains why organising your mind by organising the world around you allows you to operate more smoothly and effectively,thereby reducing the burden on your conscious brain. However:
- most of the stuff mentioned is already outdated in 2021 (note to self: always check the publication date when searching for a book on current data analysis)
- most of the stuff is not original research; the author paraphrases other authors and even copies their analogies and anecdotes, which is sooo apparent when you have familiarised yourself with the current happenings in the field of neuroscience.
That says it all. I had jotted down a bunch of notes as was reading so as to draft an extensive review,but it seems pointless to add anything else now. Personally, this book was not what I had expected.

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Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

02.10.2021 07:30

You'd think that the title suggests a chronological account of how we came to the concept work, but, this is not the case. I wanted to say 'unfortunately', but it is just the perspective that the author chose to take. You'd think that the author would speculate on how humans' thinking gradually progressed as they proceeded from the work on tools to food processing, agriculture and architecture. Rather, the author tackles the issue through different topic-based chapters and only towards the conclusion of the book do we begin to understand our state of mind when it comes to economy.

The author points out that our ancestors (based on observations of present-day hunter-gatherer tribes) spent considerably less time working than we do now,thereby having more time for other activivities, such as art and procreation. Thus, in evolutionary terms, contemporary humans are as much a product of leisure as labour. The book is basically devoted to pre-industrial (through industrial) to post industrial world.

Surprisingly, the author taps into psychological aspects of work: workoholism in particular as a modern phenomenon unknown to foragers. He ponders that once viewed as physical labour, activities like garderning or fishing are now frequently considered leisure pursuits. I also appreciate mentioning and comparing slavery to exploitation of animals, both of which constitue hard labour.

Finally, the author points out the vulnerability of current jobs as being under palpable imminent threat of replacement by AI. Another pressing issue the humankind is facing is the economic question, i.e. the unsustainability of the perpetual demand for and preoccupation with economic growth, which is, inter alia, associated with a series of environmental consequences. The quintessential question thus comes to mind: how will we organise ourselves economically in the future? We cannot just go back to foraging even if we know that this is by far the most sustainable and viable option.

Overall, I find this book highly informative and though-provoking. There is only one drawback I'd like to mention, particularly that in my view some of the passages were unnecessarily detailed, i.e. tool-making, but, when I think about it, this might be just because I am not an anthropologist myself.

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Work - James Suzman, 2020
  • James Suzman
18,95 €


Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

12.09.2021 15:26

Behave aims to explain what influences behaviour, i.e. neurobiology, environment (culture), genetics and philosophy. It is hugely complex, contains in-depth knowledge and includes plenty of studies in various fields, on humans, primates as well as non-primates, offering multiples views on the matter discussed. And yet, the arrangement of chapters is systematic and logical, particularly when it comes to what happens immediately to as far as millenia before a bahaviour occurs. As a matter of fact, Behave requires medical/scientific knowledge and a lay man might have to reread passages in order to fully understand what is being said. At times, witty comments and colloquial language are used, which make this long long publication (700+pages) much more engaging. If you are wondering why people (Us vs. Them dichotomy) behave they way they do, you might find some of the answers here.

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Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

07.08.2021 11:42

I have always been reluctant to expose myself to cold water but having read this book, I am gonna give it a try as it has tremendous benefits for your body and mind.

The Wim Hof Method is not only about ice baths and bare-chested mountaneering, albeit it might seem like it. It is about daily commitment to put in the work and just breathe. Through his breathing techniques you will transform your life and you will be more present,you will rid your body of stress, anxiety, depression and even alleviate the symptoms of serious,oftentimes thought-to-be incurable diseases. What is more, Hof is absolutely convinced that a disease-free state is and shall be the norm. Humans shall be strong,healthy and happy.

He has conducted dozens of experiments, thereby rewritten medical and scientific books. He has clearly and undeniably shown that humans have the power to control the autonomous processes in the brain, the neurology and biochemistry of our bodies. Science and spirituality do overlap and there is no point denying it.

The book also includes stories from his early childhood and later adulthood. At birth,his mother proclaimed him to be a missionary,which he, in a way, is. His mission is to spread the method to as many people as possible and let them be healed.

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Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

05.08.2021 08:04

At first I thought this book would be about thrilling negotiations with hostage takers and terrorists. And it is, to a certain extent.

Basically, the author claims that all previous beliefs on how to approach negotations were wrong in a way that they considered your counterpart to be a rational being. On the contrary, humans are first and foremost emotional. Their demands hide deeper inner fears and wishes. By trying to come closer, listening intently and reading between the lines,you may begin to understand all this in a matter of minutes.

The author guides you through several easy-to-learn and ready-to-implement tactics to help you achieve your goal in any negotiation interaction whatsoever,be it in business, relationships or other everyday encounters.

This is by no means a self-help psychology book with empty lines to be filled. It is interwoven with the author's personal experience as a former FBI negotiator, an academic, a CEO but also a father. At the same time it offers stories by his students or clients who make this approach seem so effective if you give it shot.

If you are making an effort to understand others on a deeper level, if you wish to win fair and square without inflicting harm on others, this book is for you.

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Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

05.08.2021 08:02

To find this book helpful, you might need elementary knowledge of human anatomy, predominantly the muscular and the skeletal systems. Each asana is explained from a broad and a narrow perspective and accompanied with a detailed illustration of muscles being streteched and engaged,as well as of joint alignment. As the title suggests,it offers a scientific view of yoga, explains medical and mental benefits as supported by various studies. Yogic terminology can be easily understood even by complete beginners. This guide includes a Q&A section and a Cautions section which enumerates specific conditioms where certain asanas are to be practiced with respect to prevent injury. Highly recommended for yogis interested in the eight limbs of yoga to be practiced on and off the mat. Namaste.

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Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

05.08.2021 08:00

The author is an internationally acclaimed expert in education who looks into creativity. His writing, as well as his lectures, are known for his incredible wit. I could literally hear him speak to me when I was reading. This book introduces the term 'the Element' as in 'being in your element' and defines it as a meeting point between natural aptitude and personal passion, which,once found,takes you far beyond the ordinary experience of joy. It is different for everybody; therefore, finding it is crucial. Throughout the book he provides multiple examples of people who have found their Element, who have discovered how it feels to be 'in the zone', to have found 'your tribe' of people, and at the same breath he adds that it is never too late to start looking. Brilliantly written, makes you realise how much we need to identify that true passion in our lives in order to feel fulfilled.

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„Ari by bol najradšej, keby všetci z jeho izby odišli, najradšej by bol sám so svojimi knihami, najradšej by sa v jednej z nich stratil a už sa nikdy nevrátil.“

Sága z Keflavíku - Jón Kalman Stefánsson, 2022
Sága z Keflavíku
Jón Kalman Stefánsson