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Mária Lesňáková


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I am a survivor!

Obľúbené literárne žánre

Páči sa vám tento profil a chceli by ste mať podobný?

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I am a survivor!

Obľúbené literárne žánre
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Šťastných 7
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Mária Lesňáková

Mária Lesňáková získala odznak Šťastných 7

06.02.2023 12:34

Tento rok sa vaša knižnica rozrástla už aspoň o 7 kníh... Tešíme sa spolu s tými, ktorí ich budú čítať :-)

Šťastných 7
Mária Lesňáková

Mária Lesňáková získala odznak Šťastných 7

07.12.2022 11:04

Tento rok sa vaša knižnica rozrástla už aspoň o 7 kníh... Tešíme sa spolu s tými, ktorí ich budú čítať :-)

Šťastných 7

Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

20.11.2022 16:26

What struck me the most when I started reading this 700-page long chronicle was Obama's beautiful writing style, even poetic at times, each passage coherent and cohesive, each idea clear and easy to understand, which may be thanks to his carefully selected speech drafters and rhetorics advisors who had provided him with ideal training grounds, enabling him to master the skills of stagecraft throughout the years of campaigning and public service being judged by every word and gesture.
A Promised Land is a sincere account of his innermost feelings, worries, and insecurities as well as pride, confidence and faith. It contains a number of funny encounters with voters, rivals, and staffers. You get to peek into Obama's inner thoughts, witnessing the struggles of decision-making weighing probabilities that proposed solutions would not end in a disaster, having had countless sit-down meetings and deliberations with staffers and experts to formulate a strategy on this or that issue, careful not to make any rash decisions, putting in endless hours, always listening to what others had to say, trying to understand all concerned parties' perspectives, unafraid to get to the bottom of things, taking time, and never cutting corners.
You get the sense of how politics is done in the U.S., how speeches are drafted, how all possible outcomes are meticulously pondered before announcing any intention, how votes are secured and bills passed. Obana chronicles his foreign travels and international diplomatic relations, his impressions of world leaders and their regimes.
Apart from that, Obama shows his admiration of Michelle, handling the daily struggles of motherhood and career, oftentimes remarking she "stole the show" with her charm. In between meetings and events in and out of the White House, he tries to squeeze in a few moments of normalcy as much as possible, spending time with his family doing ordinary activities, such as gym time, play dates, birthday parties and vacations.
Overall, this book is a joy to read, especially if you are willing to learn how things works in high politics. However, in such a long memoir, some passages are more interesting than others.

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Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

09.08.2022 09:53

Learning about the science behind adult romantic relationships enables you to understand yourself and your partners,past and present, better. Being congnizant of the attachment theory, and your attachment type in particular, truly does explain a few things in your life.

As for the content, the book initially contains two tests - about you and your partner, respectively, which,I believe can be filled in reciprocally to confirm your attachment type hypothesis. It then analyses all three basic types, describes (not)ideal combinations, enlists examples of ordinary couples' conflicts and offers effective communication tips to resolve them in a secure way. The authors encourage you to dodge resorting to protest behaviour, such as manipulation, threats, hostility or withdrawal. Rather, you are adviced to communicate your needs and approach your inner issues head-on with a caring attitude toward your partner.

What I enjoyed the most, is the workshop section where you can test out your knowledge acquired upon perusing this book by assessing couples' behaviour.

The book is easy to read at one sitting, suitable for anyone trying to figure things out about themselves and searching for answers.

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Attached - Amir Levine, Rachel Heller, 2019
  • Amir Levine
  • Rachel Heller
14,95 €


Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

24.06.2022 15:09

Tento príspevok prezrádza dôležité momenty deja, preto je skrytý, aby sme Vám nepokazili pôžitok z čítania.

First of all,the author debunks the myth of love as understood by contemporary society and explains what love proper entails. What we call love has nothing to do with true love. He also touches on the theme of lust and sexual cravings, which, interestingly, he claims are most vibrant until the age of 42, a seemingly random number to me. After that age, meditation shall transend and take over.

Second, he comments on the issues of freedom vs. attachment, and the issues of modern slavery. He proposes a concept of a commune,that is a society, where children belong to no one and are brought up by a community consisting of up to a few thousand people. Having witnessed similar communities in my country and the consequences of such upbringing, I am doubtful whether such a model could work worldwide.

Third, and my favourite, Osho speaks of aloneness. He urges the reader to go inward along with maintining full-scale relationships and living a normal life. At the same time, he criticises monks who deliberately choose to escape the society to stay alone completely. On the contrary, he suggests that we learn to be alone, accept aloneness in ourselves and others, thereby giving them the freedom he mentioned earlier in the book. He condemns neither religious people nor atheists and rather suggests that we do not make a single choice but accept all choices.

Finally, he concludes his writing with an epilogue, where you can find a short summary guide on how to live your life according to his teachings. I find this book really reassuring when it comes to my approach to life, but even so, I don't get this thing called love. Have to try it some time.

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Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

24.06.2022 15:08

This is book is about so much more than mere declutterring and organising the remaining stuff you own. It urges you to reconcosider your whole lifestyle, your attidute to yourself and others, to possessions as well as money, all of which shall be the main concern of a minimalist-to-be.
Unlike other books written by two authors, you know exactly who is sharing their message in each section. It also contains a journaling exercise and tips for dos and don'ts at the end of each chapter.
What I truly appreciate is a vast array of other authors' publications so you will have plenty of further reading material on related topics.

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Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

21.03.2022 18:33

Only after I started reading this book did I learn what the term trauma entails and that it is so much more than 'just' the physical or emotional abuse inflicted upon an individual; you might have become a witness to trauma or the event might have been so atrocious that your brain actually rewrote the memory. I also learnt a lot about brain processes and changes as explained by neuroscience which clearly show that the individual's outward behaviour is oftentimes involuntary and out of their control.
What I really appreaciate is that the author provides alternatives to standard speech therapy accompanied with medication,such as yoga, mediatation,theatre and many others.
The body does keep a score and it identifies triggers everywhere,therefore, it is absolutely vital that we call our bodily sensations and our feelings by their exact names and work with them.
By means of illustration, the book contains abundant case histories of the author's patients. The problem is however much bigger and I complete agree with the author when he says we cannot afford to leave the politics out of it. Trauma breeds further trauma and hurt people hurt people. It is thus inevitable to implement changes within society,starting with schools where providing safe environment is crucial for all children.

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Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

04.01.2022 08:17

Despite being 300 pages long, I perused this book in just 3 days, which is unusual for me. The fact is that it's written in a logical and simple manner, directed at both scientific readers and lay public.

I highly appreciated the endnotes section which allows you to further study each and every reference in greater detail (unlike any other reference section with just a list of bibliographical sources).

The author encourages you to follow the four laws of habit formation, offering a wide range of tips from various areas,such as weight loss, learning, trainigs of all kinds and so forth. However, the strategy may be applied to any habit whatsoever as long as you are consistent. The pieces of advice I personally can take to immediately is: 1. The point is to master the habit of showing up and 2. Never miss twice. The author has created cheatsheets to help you follow his suggested steps precisely at the end of each chapter as well as on his website.

As a matter of fact, each chapter begins with an anecdote and contains scientific evidence for the respective ideas. Furthermore, simple graphs help you understand the principles of habit formation faster.

Now all you have to do is test the theory for both sustaining good habits and eliminating, or at least reducing, bad habits.

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Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

01.01.2022 07:43

I have been tracking my sleep for quite some time but never really understood the data. Having read this book, I do,at least, the science behind it. The author answers all the questions you might have regarding sleep quality & quantity and so much more. Each fact is evidenced by hoards of scientific data either through his own lab experiments or other sleep doctors' research.

The books proceeds in a logical manner, guiding you through how your circadian rhythm works, what phases the sleep consists of and how each phase benefits you, what happens upon sleep deprivation and the consequences thereof,including risks of diseases and a shorter lifespan. The author also touches the topic of dreams,the function of which is not yet completely clear from the evolutionary point of view. The book also includes a vision for sleep in the twenty-first century as humans,especially in industrialised nations, have disrupted their sleeping habits profoundly, being the only species on Earth to knowingly rip themselves of sleep. As a matter of fact, schoolchildren are educated about health issues,such as diet,exercise, drugs,alcohol, safe sex, etc., but, sadly, not about sleep. This needs to change. Further changes must be done on a corporate and societal level. Finally,the book contains tips for healthy sleep which you may start implementing today.

While reading and once you read 'Why we sleep', I guarantee you your sleeping habits will change for the better. Mine have.

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Mária Lesňáková napísala recenziu

17.12.2021 20:42

This book aims to analyze and explain the role of metaphors not only in linguistics but also in Western philosophy. The way we speak reflects our conceptual understanding of the world around us, be it physical or cultural experience. Basically,metaphors enable us to express one thing in terms of another, therefore they are more than just a mere linguistic expression, but rather expressions of human thought processes.The authors make their point by means of numerous examples before getting to the issue of absolute truth. They debunk the myth of objectivism as well as subjectivism and offer their own alternative of experientialism which claims that truth is always relative to understanding and based on a non-universal conceptual system,i.e. culture-dependent. It emphasises that meaning is always meaning to a person and understanding emerges from interaction with the environment and other people. Definitely worth reading if you are a linguist/philosopher.

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„Písmo hovorí, že Boh nám nepripisuje k dobru to, že máme radi ľudí, ktorých chceme mať radi. Nie. Pripisuje nám k dobru, ak milujeme nemilovateľné.“

Rovnako iný ako ja - Ron Hall, Denver Moore, 2011
Rovnako iný ako ja
  • Denver Moore
  • Ron Hall