Hana Makovcová


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Knihy roka 2021
Šťastných 7
Šťastných 7
Plány do budúcnosti
Horúce novinky
Máte čitateľský profil
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Moje aktivity

Hana Makovcová

Hana Makovcová získala odznak Šťastných 7

31.01.2022 18:32

Tento rok sa vaša knižnica rozrástla už aspoň o 7 kníh... Tešíme sa spolu s tými, ktorí ich budú čítať :-)

Šťastných 7

Hana Makovcová napísala recenziu

31.01.2022 17:21

Tento príspevok prezrádza dôležité momenty deja, preto je skrytý, aby sme Vám nepokazili pôžitok z čítania.

Nikto by asi nechcel žiť v dobe, v ktorej by udalosti novembra 1989 dopadli inak, v prospech vtedajšieho režimu. Alena Mornštajnová nám ale prostredníctvom jej románu Listopád predostrela drastický zvrat, kde komunisti revolúciu čakali a násilne ju nielen potlačili ale podľa hesla „Pokud nelze už vládu udržet přísliby šťastné budoucnosti, lze ji udržet strachem. Moc chutná sladce a je třeba jí ledacos obětovat. Třeba i šťěstí většiny národa“, ktoré autorka krásne vyjadrila, ľuďom ukázali ich moc.
Príbeh sa začína spomienkami väzenkyne Maji, ktorá bola počas protestov zadržaná aj so svojím mužom. Opisuje udalosti osudnej noci, kedy vo všetkých krajinách východného bloku prebiehalo zatýkanie a "zmiznutie" všetkých odporcov režimu. Deti zatknutých boli posielané do zariadení, kde z nich popredné socialistické vychovávateľky robili budúcu generáciu správnych "zväzákov". Do takéhoto zariadenia sa dostala aj Magda. Deťom bolo povedané, že ich rodičia ich nechceli a preto musia byť vďačné štátu, že sa ich ujal. Magda túto "realitu" prijala a počas pobytu v ústave si vďaka nahlasovaniu priestupkov svojich kamarátiek a špinavej dohode s jednou vychovávateľkou zabezpečila odporúčanie na gymnáziu a neskôr možnosť stať sa spisovateľkou a poprednou členkou zväzu.
Napriek tomu, že osudy a hodnoty týchto dvoch žien sa značne líšia, obidve som si počas celej knihy veľmi obľúbila. Magda za svoj osud nemohla, napriek drsnej výchove ústavu vychovala deti a splnila si svoj sen písať rozprávky. Stále udržiavala kontakt so svojou kamarátkou z ústavu, Janou, ktorú napriek jej liberálnym názorom nikdy nenahlásila. Sama totižto vnútri vedela, že Jana má pravdu ale nechcela si to pripustiť, či už kvôli jej dobrej pozícii, kvôli ktorej by šla prvá do väzby alebo jej zlému návyku ku prísnym pravidlám a dodržiavaní poriadku.
Maja stvárňuje našich revolučných hrdinov , obyčajných ľudí, ktorí boli ochotní riskovať vlastný život za účelom lepšieho zajtrajška. Chceli zmenu, chceli slobodu. Aj keď s podobnými situáciami sa ľudia na celom svete dodnes stretávajú, musíme byť vďační ľuďom ako Maja za to, že neboli ticho, že nám otvorili oči a bojovali za niečo, čo snáď niekedy bude realitou na celom svete.
Mornštajnovej spôsob písania vás vtiahne do deja a spojí vás s postavami silným putom. Ak už túto knihu raz začnete čítať, garantujem vám, že ju nepustíte z rúk. Situácie, v ktorých sa spolu s postavami budete nachádzať nebudú ľahké, nebudú so šťastnými koncami, ale budú stáť za to. Aj viac ako 30 rokov po udalostiach novembra 1989 si uvedomíme, aký šťastný a slobodný život vlastne žijeme. A možno aj aký život môžeme žiť ak znova nebudeme bojovať.

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Hana Makovcová

Hana Makovcová získala odznak Knihy roka 2021

04.01.2022 21:44

Sú knižky, ktoré prečítame a takmer okamžite na ne zabudneme. Potom sú tu knihy, ktoré svojím príbehom, spracovaním alebo svojou odbornosťou dokážu obohatiť našu myseľ a srdce. A presne takéto knihy nájdete v našom výbere Knihy roka. Sme radi, že niektorý z titulov Knihy roka 2021 nájdeme aj vo vašej knižnici :-)

Knihy roka 2021

Hana Makovcová napísala recenziu

20.12.2021 09:37

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz is a story about two guys discovering themselves. The story is narrated by one of the guys, Ari, who has anger issues and lots of unanswered questions in his mind and a brother in prison. This book doesn't have a classic plot. It's just two boys hanging around, then not hanging around and in the end, well, read for yourself.
That sounds boring, right? But despite this, it has become my new favourite book very quickly and let me tell you why. There are great quotes and very thoughtful marches of mind, strong character development, social issues such as bullying, not understanding your parents or loneliness. It has taken me inside the story and made me rethink everything I thought was right.
In the beginning, I was upset with Ari's character, mostly because I didn't get why he's so angry at everyone and doesn't let people know him better. But then I realised why I was so upset. Ari was just like me and probably like many of us. He was angry at everyone because they couldn't give him answers, they weren't paying attention, they couldn't tell him what is he searching for. But mostly, he was angry at himself, for not trying hard enough, hurting people and not knowing how to communicate his feelings. So when Ari started opening himself more, I was overwhelmed and wanted to tell the world everything I never said out loud. He made me believe that I can say those things out loud.
The side characters were done as good as the main ones. They had their backstory so well written that I sometimes forgot it's not real and wanted to live that story.
If you decide to read this story, prepare yourself for an emotional rollercoaster. You will cry, you will laugh, you will drown in the story and when you finish, you will hug the book and won't be able to let it go. At least that's what I did. And then, I hope, you will buy the sequel, because yes, the author has decided to torture us with another rollercoaster, but I'm looking forward to reading it.
Oh, and there's supposed to be a movie as well. So prepare yourself for more hotties.

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Hana Makovcová napísala recenziu

20.12.2021 09:33

The first part of the famous series, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott is an excellent example that richness doesn't bring you happiness and you can find joy in many little things. It tells a story about four young tempered girls and their friends on their way to becoming young, independent individuals. With their father serving in the war, they have to learn how to take care of themselves and go through important lectures throughout the whole book.
The oldest, Meg, is becoming a young lady who finds playing very intimidating and is always lecturing her younger sister, Jo, who is the exact opposite of her. Jo finds housework and "girlish" things annoying and much rather plays with their neighbour, Laurie, and writes stories.
Amy is crafty and loves to paint, but is rather selfish and always puts her interests first. The youngest sister, Beth, is a family's treasure and has the kindest soul. She never complains, always helps around the household and sets an example to her sisters.
Even though Alcott wrote the book over 150 years ago, it still has a huge impact on our generation. However, many of the issues back then aren't, fortunately, problems now. Women don't have to marry a man young and obey him for the rest of their life (Meg), we don't have to pretend we like the things our gender is supposed to (Jo), we don't have to settle down and start a family and don't do what our desires are (Amy, Jo) and other. But there are many delightful acknowledgements as well. For me, it was the importance of loving family in my life. The girls were poor, were in sorrow, were desperate, but their family was always there, ready to love and comfort them. And though my family is nothing to complain about, I sometimes wish we would be more like the little women.
Everyone, in my opinion, should read this book, doesn't matter how old you are, what gender you are or what are your beliefs, you will find something to live up to and bring joy.

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Hana Makovcová napísala recenziu

20.12.2021 09:31

We all forget how special we are sometimes, and I'm glad that The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky reminded me of the joys of life.
The whole book consists of letters by a teenager Charlie to an anonymous person. At first, he's struggling with his social life, because he doesn't seem to get any friends, since his best friend killed himself. He is a wallflower, just standing in the corners, watching other people enjoying their life. But then he decides to do something about it and finds himself enjoying the company of his two new friends, Sam, a charismatic girl with a weird taste in boys and Patrick, a gay and a messed up smoker.
He starts involving himself more in social life, which has pleasant but also unwanted consequences. He goes on his first date, gets to kiss a girl he likes, goes out to new places with his friends. But he meets lots of other people and starts to learn that their lives aren't as perfect as he thought: they are going through a breakup, are addicted to drugs and alcohol, their partners are abusing them, have trust issues, are insecure about themselves and many others.
I saw a few reviews saying that the author is talking about so many mental issues but isn't going deeper. But try to be in Charlie's skin, you also wouldn't try to go deeper into every issue your friends are struggling with, because you would be too scared and in Charlie's case, you would be depressed that the life around isn't so perfect.
I think this book should be involved in compulsory reading because it reflects the lives of teenagers and gives them a lot to think about.
And because Charlie never got any response, here's my short letter to him:
Dear Charlie
Thanks for being here with me and writing to me for a few days. Life hasn't been easy on you, I must say. I hope that you're feeling better and at peace now that everything has settled. Are you still visiting your psychiatrist? If so, have you made progress? I have the feeling that you did, after all, you are a warrior. You must be sad about your favourite teacher leaving, but I'm sure he'll be in touch with you. What are you currently reading? Tell me about it, because I love your little mentions of the books you're reading and you always inspire me what book to read next. And last but not least, please, stop hurting yourself with all the drugs and cigarettes, you no longer need them.
Lots of hugs and love,
Your admirer

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Hana Makovcová napísala recenziu

20.12.2021 09:30

In 19th-century novels, we are used to reading about girls in possession of men, who are willing to do anything to find a wealthy husband, but was it really like that? The Case of Missing Marquess (Enola Holmes series) by Nancy Springer is a detective novel about a young independent girl Enola whose mother walked out on her and left her in hands of her famous brothers, Sherlock and Mycroft. She decided to escape this "prison" and go to London to find her mother. But it isn't easy for a 14-year-old to survive the brutal world, trying to ignore her needs to investigate the curious case of kidnapping a young marquess.
So why is this novel different and why you should read it? For me, it was hard to like the book as much as the film. However, this fact shouldn't be keeping you from reading it. The book has lots of better parts than the film and is focusing more on Enola's emotions and experience rather than the relationships with Sherlock, her mother and the young marquess, which was my favourite part of the film therefore I was disappointed it wasn't included in the book.  But the plot was adventurous and introduced us to the society, the nomads, gentlemen, robbers, kidnappers...
All in all, if you love the film like me or you are interested in the 19th-century environment, I would recommend this book to you.

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Hana Makovcová

Hana Makovcová získala odznak Máte čitateľský profil

05.11.2021 19:56

Váš čitateľský profil je na svete! Odteraz sa môžete každému pochváliť, aký úžasný(á) čitateľ(ka) ste!

Máte čitateľský profil

Hana Makovcová napísala recenziu

05.11.2021 18:50

"Because our whole is greater than the sum of our parts." Wrote
Taylor Jenkins Reid in The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and she couldn't say it better. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is a book about a writer Monique, who is asked to write a biography about a famous actress Evelyn Hugo. Evelyn is an ambitious woman, revealing all her ups and downs, scandals and the truth behind the tabloids. She started as a girl, being abused by her father and became a number one actress through the 1960s,70s and 80s.
For me, this book is a great way of introducing the toxic Hollywood and patriarchy in the 1960s. I feel bad because I didn't pay attention to Monique as much as I would like to because I got bored by her story. However, I enjoyed Evelyn´s story. Even though the characters weren't real, the author made them as if they were and I felt every possible emotion about them and their awful behaviour, love stories or mental problems. I loved how Evelyn was always prepared for everything and was willing to do whatever it took to get what she wanted. If you want to read this book, you have probably already heard that it's queer and that's my favourite part of the book. It represents the honest, unfiltered reality of queer people in the 20th century and what people had to sacrifice for love.
The whole plot was intriguing and had so much potential, but I was slightly disappointed in the end. There is a little plot twist that was not fitting the whole story and confused me. It also ended earlier as I was expecting so now I have so many questions, which is partly good because I can create my own proceeding.
Although it isn't the most fantastic piece I've ever read I would highly recommend it to you. It is an easy book to like.

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Hana Makovcová

Hana Makovcová získala odznak Šťastných 7

12.09.2021 18:00

Tento rok sa vaša knižnica rozrástla už aspoň o 7 kníh... Tešíme sa spolu s tými, ktorí ich budú čítať :-)

Šťastných 7

„Všetko reaguje so všetkým. Tak ako každý jeden hlt, ktorý zjeme, mení naše telo, tak aj každá informácia mení náš mozog.“