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How not to Plan - Sarah Carter, Les Binet, Troubador, 2018

35,95 €

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How not to Plan - Sarah Carter, Les Binet, Troubador, 2018
How not to Plan - Sarah Carter, Les Binet, Troubador, 2018

How not to Plan

66 ways to screw it up

In the sink or swim world of planners, strategists and their clients, now more than ever, there is a need for a practical handbook to guide us through all the main parts of the... Čítať viac

Troubador, 2018
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In the sink or swim world of planners, strategists and their clients, now more than ever, there is a need for a practical handbook to guide us through all the main parts of the process. And thanks to Les Binet and Sarah Carter at ... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

35,95 €

Túto knihu máme síce aktuálne na sklade, máme však už iba posledné kusy. Ak ju chcete mať rýchlo, ponáhľajte sa! Dodanie ďalších môže trvať dlhšie, zvyčajne do 29 dní.

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Psychológia tajomstiev - Andrew Gold, Tatran, 2025
How not to Plan - Sarah Carter, Les Binet, Troubador, 2018
35,95 €

Viac o knihe

In the sink or swim world of planners, strategists and their clients, now more than ever, there is a need for a practical handbook to guide us through all the main parts of the process. And thanks to Les Binet and Sarah Carter at Adam and DDB we now have just that. The original inspiration for the book was a set of articles that they wrote for Admap over 6 years. In these they set out to bust a lot of myths and nonsense that swirl around marketing and communications by using evidence-based approaches and interesting examples to make their points. We've been working with them to turn this treasure chest of wisdom into a practical guide. We've called it How Not To Plan in reference to its myth busting antecedents and in homage to an old but much loved set of essays published back in 1979 in an APG book called 'How to Plan Advertising'.

The How Not to Plan of 2018 is a manageably sized handbook which leaves room for your scribbles and notes and can be read as a guide or used as a constant helpful reference point. It's loosely based on the Planning Cycle and is grouped into themes that are important at different stages in the process, covering everything from how to set objectives, the 4 Ps, research and analysis, to briefing, creative work and media and effectiveness At the end of each chapter you'll find a simple 2-minute check list for how to do it better, a short case study showing how it's done brilliantly, a space for your notes and further reading for the intellectually gifted.
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Naše katalógové číslo
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brožovaná väzba
165×210 mm
435 g
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Kúpte spolu
How not to Plan - Sarah Carter, Les Binet, Troubador, 2018
Moc faktov - Anna Rosling Rönnlund, Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling, Tatran, 2019
54,12 €


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Recenzie čitateľov

Filip Chochula
Overený nákup
Už dlhšiu dobu som v ruke nedržal knihu, ktorá by sa čítala s takou ľahkosťou ako táto. Ak niekto niečo v marketingovom svete znamená tak je to práve Les Binet. Spolu so Sarah Carter spísali krásny prehľad o tom, čomu marketingové agentúry čelia a kde robia chyby. Všetko podložené ich vlastnými skúsenosťami a dlhoročnými analýzami. Čítať viac
Neoverený nákup
Oči otevírající, zralé a přínosné čtení s nadhledem dvou zkušených lidí přímo z oboru. Navíc má knížka naprosto skvělou strukturu, kdy pěkně naservíruje teorii, příběh z praxe a seznam bodů k připomenutí poznatků z kapitoly. Čítať viac

Kúpte spolu
How not to Plan - Sarah Carter, Les Binet, Troubador, 2018
Moc faktov - Anna Rosling Rönnlund, Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling, Tatran, 2019
54,12 €

„No svet je zvláštny a konce nie sú skutočne koncami, bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi si to hviezdy želajú.“

Bezhviezdne more - Erin Morgenstern, 2020
Bezhviezdne more
  • Erin Morgenstern