These Violent Delights - Micah Nemerever, HarperCollins, 2020

33,00 €

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These Violent Delights

When Paul enters university in early 1970s Pittsburgh, it’s with the hope of moving past the recent death of his father. Sensitive, insecure, and incomprehensible to his... Čítať viac

HarperCollins, 2020
480 strán
7-8 hodín čítania

When Paul enters university in early 1970s Pittsburgh, it’s with the hope of moving past the recent death of his father. Sensitive, insecure, and incomprehensible to his grieving family, Paul feels isolated and alone... Čítať viac

  • Pevná väzba
  • Angličtina

33,00 €

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The Secret History meets Lie with Me in Micah Nemerever's compulsively readable debut novel—a feverishly taut Hitchcockian story about two college students, each with his own troubled past, whose escalating obsession with one another leads to an act of unspeakable violence.

When Paul enters university in early 1970s Pittsburgh, it’s with the hope of moving past the recent death of his father. Sensitive, insecure, and incomprehensible to his grieving family, Paul feels isolated and alone. When he meets the worldly Julian in his freshman ethics class, Paul is immediately drawn to his classmate’s effortless charm.

Paul sees Julian as his sole intellectual equal—an ally against the conventional world he finds so suffocating. Paul will stop at nothing to prove himself worthy of their friendship, because with Julian life is more invigorating than Paul could ever have imagined. But as charismatic as he can choose to be, Julian is also volatile and capriciously cruel, and Paul becomes increasingly afraid that he can never live up to what Julian expects of him.

As their friendship spirals into all-consuming intimacy, they each learn the lengths to which the other will go in order to stay together, their obsession ultimately hurtling them toward an act of irrevocable violence.

Unfolding with a propulsive ferocity, These Violent Delights is an exquisitely plotted excavation of the depths of human desire and the darkness it can bring forth in us.
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Naše katalógové číslo
Počet strán
pevná väzba
152×228 mm
639 g
Rok vydania

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5,0 / 5

5 hodnotení


Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

Recenzie Martinusákov

These Violent Delights ma zaujala hneď prvou kapitolou už vtedy som pochopila, že to nebude taká „obyčajná“ kniha. Priznávam, že som niečo podobné ešte nečítala. Zvláštny vzťah dvoch mladých ľudí, ktorí sa odháňajú a vracajú k sebe navzájom. Kniha síce v poslednej časti trochu spomalila, som rada že som ju dočítala, pretože len pre poslednú vetu, ktorá priniesla pointu, sa mi to oplatilo prečítať.

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Neviditeľné besy srdca x If we were villains

100*/5*. Nemám slov.. Tí, čo si túto knihu nájdu a opis ich zaujme, dostanú z príbehu oveľa viac, než od neho čakajú. ;-)

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Recenzie čitateľov

Vydavateľstvo HarperCollins

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„Nezaujímalo ma, kde budeme bývať, pracovať a čo bude zajtra. Bola som s ním. Iba na tom záležalo. A bola som šťastná. Taká šťastná ako nikdy predtým. “

Pod talianskymi hviezdami - Katarína Páleniková, 2014
Pod talianskymi hviezdami
  • Katarína Páleniková