Preskočiť na hlavný obsah
Demon Copperhead - Barbara Kingsolver, Motýľ, 2024
Napoleon the Great - Andrew Roberts, Penguin Books, 2015

23,19 €

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Napoleon the Great - Andrew Roberts, Penguin Books, 2015
Napoleon the Great - Andrew Roberts, Penguin Books, 2015

Napoleon the Great

From Andrew Roberts, author of the Sunday Times bestseller The Storm of War, this is the definitive modern biography of Napoleon. Napoleon Bonaparte lived one of the most... Čítať viac

Penguin Books, 2015
976 strán
14-15 hodín čítania

From Andrew Roberts, author of the Sunday Times bestseller The Storm of War, this is the definitive modern biography of Napoleon. Napoleon Bonaparte lived one of the most extraordinary of all human lives... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

23,19 €

Na sklade 3 ks
Posielame ihneď
Ďalšie knižné vydania
Napoleon the Great - Andrew Roberts, Penguin Books, 2014
Pevná väzba
Angličtina, 2014

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Prémiové zvýrazňovače - Nestarnúca klasika Stabilo Boss Original
Napoleon the Great - Andrew Roberts, Penguin Books, 2015
23,19 €

Viac o knihe

From Andrew Roberts, author of the Sunday Times bestseller The Storm of War, this is the definitive modern biography of Napoleon. Napoleon Bonaparte lived one of the most extraordinary of all human lives. In the space of just twenty years, from October 1795 when as a young artillery captain he cleared the streets of Paris of insurrectionists, to his final defeat at the (horribly mismanaged) battle of Waterloo in June 1815, Napoleon transformed France and Europe. After seizing power in a coup d'état he ended the corruption and incompetence into which the Revolution had descended. In a series of dazzling battles he reinvented the art of warfare; in peace, he completely remade the laws of France, modernised her systems of education and administration, and presided over a flourishing of the beautiful 'Empire style' in the arts. The impossibility of defeating his most persistent enemy, Great Britain, led him to make draining and ultimately fatal expeditions into Spain and Russia, where half a million Frenchmen died and his Empire began to unravel. More than any other modern biographer, Andrew Roberts conveys Napoleon's tremendous energy, both physical and intellectual, and the attractiveness of his personality, even to his enemies. He has walked 53 of Napoleon's 60 battlefields, and has absorbed the gigantic new French edition of Napoleon's letters, which allows a complete re-evaluation of this exceptional man. He overturns many received opinions, including the myth of a great romance with Josephine: she took a lover immediately after their marriage, and, as Roberts shows, he had three times as many mistresses as he acknowledged.
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Počet strán
brožovaná väzba
130×196 mm
710 g
Rok vydania
Penguin Books

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Kúpte spolu
Napoleon the Great - Andrew Roberts, Penguin Books, 2015
Rytier siedmich kráľovstiev - George R.R. Martin, Gary Gianni (ilustrácie), Tatran, 2017
37,18 €


5,0 / 5

2 hodnotenia


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Recenzie čitateľov

Cesta do neslobody - Timothy Snyder, 2018
Práve čítam
Cesta do neslobody

Zaujímam sa o históriu (najmä dejiny anglofónnych krajín, svetové a moderné dejiny), súčasné dianie, politiku, šport a aj náboženstvo.

Andrej Janoťák
Overený nákup
brilantná biografia
Napriek rozsahu a počtu strán je táto jednozväzková biografia tým najlepším, čo som o Napoleonovi čítal. Pútavé a dramatické putovanie Napoleonovým životom spoločne s jeho priateľmi a nepriateľmi, nechýbajú perfektné opisy bitevných polí a samotných bitiek. Odporúčam prečítať skôr, ako si pozriete film Ridleyho Scotta. Čítať viac

Kúpte spolu
Napoleon the Great - Andrew Roberts, Penguin Books, 2015
Rytier siedmich kráľovstiev - George R.R. Martin, Gary Gianni (ilustrácie), Tatran, 2017
37,18 €

„Neustále sa hýbeme namiesto toho, aby si na chvíľu sadli, započúvali sa do zvuku dažďa, vypili kávu, zohriali niekomu prsia. A nikdy nepíšeme nikomu listy. “

Letné svetlo a potom príde noc - Jón Kalman Stefánsson, 2014
Letné svetlo a potom príde noc
  • Jón Kalman Stefánsson