Two Years on a Bike, Gestalten Verlag, 2021

48,80 €

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Two Years on a Bike, Gestalten Verlag, 2021
Two Years on a Bike, Gestalten Verlag, 2021

Two Years on a Bike

From Vancouver to Patagonia

    Could you live permanently on the road? When all your belongings fit in a few bags, your office is a roadside diner, and your home is a meandering route from Canada to the... Čítať viac

    Gestalten Verlag, 2021
    Počet strán

    Could you live permanently on the road? When all your belongings fit in a few bags, your office is a roadside diner, and your home is a meandering route from Canada to the southern tip of Argentina... Čítať viac

    • Pevná väzba
    • Angličtina

    48,80 €

    Ach, mrzí nás to, z tejto knihy sa už predali všetky výtlačky :(. Máme však dobrú správu, vydavateľ sľubuje ďalšie vydanie 28. 3. 2025. Kto počká, ten sa dočká!

    Naši škriatkovia odporúčajú

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    Two Years on a Bike, Gestalten Verlag, 2021
    48,80 €

    Viac o knihe

    Could you live permanently on the road? When all your belongings fit in a few bags, your office is a roadside diner, and your home is a meandering route from Canada to the southern tip of Argentina? In Two Years on a Bike, Martijn Doolaard puts it to the test. Strapping the necessities onto his bicycle, he ventures into desolate wastelands and sojourns in vast cities, exploring what it means to be at home in the world while embracing a life of minimalism and long-term travel. Along the winding roads of California's coasts, the impenetrable jungles of Mexico, the ever-higher passes of the Andes Mountains, and the severe alpine forests of Patagonia, Doolaard eschews comfort and convention for the sake of documenting life on one of the world's most breathtaking—and notorious—routes.
    Čítať viac
    Naše katalógové číslo
    Originálny názov
    Two Years on a Bike
    Počet strán
    pevná väzba
    241×324 mm
    3110 g
    Rok vydania
    Gestalten Verlag

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    • Henryk Sienkiewicz