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Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning - Gregory Haff, Human Kinetics, 2016

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Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning - Gregory Haff, Human Kinetics, 2016
Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning - Gregory Haff, Human Kinetics, 2016

Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning

Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning is the essential text for strength and conditioning professionals and students. This comprehensive resource explains the key... Čítať viac

Human Kinetics, 2016
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Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning is the essential text for strength and conditioning professionals and students. This comprehensive resource explains the key theories, concepts and scientific principles of strength training and... Čítať viac

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Ach, mrzí nás to, z tejto knihy sa už predali všetky výtlačky a nemáme ju na sklade my ani vydavateľ :( Teoreticky však môžete mať šťastie v niektorých iných obchodoch, ktoré ešte nepredali posledné kusy.
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Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning is the essential text for strength and conditioning professionals and students. This comprehensive resource explains the key theories, concepts and scientific principles of strength training and conditioning as well as their direct application to athletic competition and performance. The scope and content have been updated to convey the knowledge, skills and abilities required of a strength and conditioning professional. It now offers an expanded ancillary package for instructors with access to a 61- video collection and a test package to assist instructors evaluate students' understanding of key concepts.
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227×291 mm
2366 g
Rok vydania
Human Kinetics

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