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The Great Successor - Anna Fifield, John Murray, 2019

18,25 €

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The Great Successor - Anna Fifield, John Murray, 2019
The Great Successor - Anna Fifield, John Murray, 2019

The Great Successor

The Secret Rise and Rule of Kim Jong Un

The behind-the-scenes story of the rise and reign of the world's strangest and most elusive tyrant, Kim Jong Un, by the journalist with the best connections and insights into... Čítať viac

John Murray, 2019
336 strán
5-6 hodín čítania

The behind-the-scenes story of the rise and reign of the world's strangest and most elusive tyrant, Kim Jong Un, by the journalist with the best connections and insights into the bizarrely dangerous world of North Korea... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

18,25 €

Na sklade 1 ks
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The Great Successor - Anna Fifield, John Murray, 2019
18,25 €

Viac o knihe

The behind-the-scenes story of the rise and reign of the world's strangest and most elusive tyrant, Kim Jong Un, by the journalist with the best connections and insights into the bizarrely dangerous world of North Korea.

The Great Successor is an irreverent yet insightful quest to understand the life of Kim Jong Un, one of the world's most secretive dictators. Kim's life is swathed in myth and propaganda, from the plainly silly—he supposedly ate so much Swiss cheese that his ankles gave way—to the grimly bloody stories of the ways his enemies and rival family members have perished at his command.

One of the most knowledgeable journalists on modern Korea, Anna Fifield has exclusive access to Kim's aunt and uncle who posed as his parents while he was growing up in Switzerland, members of the entourage that accompanied Dennis Rodman on his quasi-ambassadorial visits with Kim, and the Japanese sushi chef whom Kim befriended and who was the first outsider to identify him as the inevitable successor to his father as supreme ruler. She has been able to create a captivating portrait of the oddest and most isolated political regime in the world, one that is broken yet able to summon a US president for peace talks, bankrupt yet in possession of nuclear weapons. Kim Jong Un; ridiculous but deadly, and a man of our times.
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Naše katalógové číslo
Počet strán
brožovaná väzba
158×234 mm
420 g
Rok vydania
Nový Zéland
John Murray
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Vynikajúca kniha
Dokonalý súdruh - to je len jeden z mnohých titulov, ktorými sa sám častuje a nazýva vodca Severnej Kórey Kim Čong-un. Málokto veril, že dokáže prevziať pomyselné žezlo po svojom otcovi a udrží zabehnutý šialený severokórejský režim pri živote, že Kimovci budú vládnuť v krajine treťou generáciou ďalej. A predsa.
Táto kniha mapuje jeho život počnúc narodením, až po dnešok a poskytuje nám náhľad do života ľudí, ktorým vládne alebo vládla táto dynastia. Autorka sama viackrát ako novinárka Severnú Kóreu navštívila a počas niekoľkých rokov oslovila a vypátrala veľké množstvo ľudí, ktorí jej pomohli dotvoriť obraz o tejto krajine a jej vodcovi, i keď veľa ešte ostáva zahalené rúškom tajomstva - ako jej istý pán v rozhovore povedal - niečo Vám poviem, no nemôžem všetko ...
Za mňa výborne spracovaný dokument, kto má rád takúto literatúru, príde si na svoje a dozvie sa kopec zaujímavostí o živote najväčšieho generála a jeho ľudu.
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Medzerový plod - Veronika Šikulová, 2014
Medzerový plod
  • Veronika Šikulová