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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Father Frost - Alexandr Rou, , 1964

33,97 €

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Father Frost - Alexandr Rou, , 1964
Father Frost - Alexandr Rou, , 1964

Father Frost

    This romantic Russian musical is based on a combination of several Russian fairy tales. Visually ornate and lushly costumed, this production tells the story of a naive young... Čítať viac


    This romantic Russian musical is based on a combination of several Russian fairy tales. Visually ornate and lushly costumed, this production tells the story of a naive young woman who lives with an abusive stepmother who works her like a slave... Čítať viac

    • DVD film
    • Angličtina, ruština, francúzština

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    Viac o titule

    This romantic Russian musical is based on a combination of several Russian fairy tales. Visually ornate and lushly costumed, this production tells the story of a naive young woman who lives with an abusive stepmother who works her like a slave. When she finally finds a love in Ivan, a young man from town, he is turned into a bear and she becomes exiled to the forest, leaving the two youths wondering if they will ever be together again.

    Additional Release Material:
    *Production Interview - 1. Natalya Sedykh - Star
    *Isolated Audio Track - 3 audio-only songs
    *Additional Footage - Clip from 1924 version of FATHER FROST
    *Text/Photo Galleries:
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    „Osud nechystá prekvapenia. Robí prípravy, dáva znamenia a vysiela aj zvedov, no len málokto má oči, ktoré to vidia, uši, ktoré to počujú, a um, ktorý to chápe.“

    Štyri hostiny - Meir Shalev, 2012
    Štyri hostiny
    Meir Shalev