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Tmavší odtieň mágie - Victoria Schwab, Slovart, 2023
The Room Where It Happened - John Bolton, Simon & Schuster, 2020

28,54 €

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The Room Where It Happened

A White House Memoir

As President Trump’s National Security Advisor, John Bolton spent many of his 453 days in the room where it happened, and the facts speak for themselves... Čítať viac

Simon & Schuster, 2020
592 strán
8-9 hodín čítania

As President Trump’s National Security Advisor, John Bolton spent many of his 453 days in the room where it happened, and the facts speak for themselves... Čítať viac

  • Pevná väzba
  • Angličtina

28,54 €

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David Walliams: Babrákovci. Slovart, 2024
The Room Where It Happened - John Bolton, Simon & Schuster, 2020
28,54 €

Viac o knihe

As President Trump’s National Security Advisor, John Bolton spent many of his 453 days in the room where it happened, and the facts speak for themselves.
The result is a White House memoir that is the most comprehensive and substantial account of the Trump Administration, and one of the few to date by a top-level official. With almost daily access to the President, John Bolton has produced a precise rendering of his days in and around the Oval Office. What Bolton saw astonished him: a President for whom getting reelected was the only thing that mattered, even if it meant endangering or weakening the nation. “I am hard-pressed to identify any significant Trump decision during my tenure that wasn’t driven by reelection calculations,” he writes. In fact, he argues that the House committed impeachment malpractice by keeping their prosecution focused narrowly on Ukraine when Trump’s Ukraine-like transgressions existed across the full range of his foreign policy—and Bolton documents exactly what those were, and attempts by him and others in the Administration to raise alarms about them.

He shows a President addicted to chaos, who embraced our enemies and spurned our friends, and was deeply suspicious of his own government. In Bolton’s telling, all this helped put Trump on the bizarre road to impeachment. “The differences between this presidency and previous ones I had served were stunning,” writes Bolton, who worked for Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush 43. He discovered a President who thought foreign policy is like closing a real estate deal—about personal relationships, made-for-TV showmanship, and advancing his own interests. As a result, the US lost an opportunity to confront its deepening threats, and in cases like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea ended up in a more vulnerable place.

Bolton’s account starts with his long march to the West Wing as Trump and others woo him for the National Security job. The minute he lands, he has to deal with Syria’s chemical attack on the city of Douma, and the crises after that never stop. As he writes in the opening pages, “If you don’t like turmoil, uncertainty, and risk—all the while being constantly overwhelmed with information, decisions to be made, and sheer amount of work—and enlivened by international and domestic personality and ego conflicts beyond description, try something else.”
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160×245 mm
882 g
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Simon & Schuster

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Recenzie čitateľov

Sveto Gavora
Neoverený nákup
Toto ma dostalo
Vzdy som si hovoril, ze to, co sa pise o Trumpovi, je iba demonizovanie. Ale ked toto o nom napisal jeho velvyslanec pri OSN, tak som si uvedomil, ze je to nebezpecny egocentricky a nepredvidatelny maniak. Nechcem, aby sa vratil. Na to mam Ameriku prilis rad. Čítať viac
Pohľad na americkú politiku od insidera
John Bolton je ostrieľaný expert na bezpečnosť. Píše ľahkým štýlom bez prázdnych rečí a jalových pasáží. Vysvetľuje veci, ktoré sa človek z médií nedozvie. A must pre ľudí zaujímajúcich sa o globálne stratégie bezpečnosti a rozloženie síl. Čítať viac
Neoverený nákup
Fascinujúce čítanie...
...plné informácií o aktuálnej americkej politike a jej tvorbe z pohľadu Johna Boltona. Situácie popisuje jednoducho a priamočiaro, zafrfle si na Obamove ako starý, skúsený harcovník a profesionál si musel počas práce pre Trumpa naozaj často ťukať doma na čelo a pýtať sa, kam sa to dostal a kam ten svet speje.. Počas celého čítania si človek opakuje otázku, či to čo Trump predvádza, je taký skvelý a moderný leadership, že mu ešte nerozumieme, alebo je jednoducho mentálne neschopný viesť nielen firmu, no už vôbec nie krajinu. Bolton sa samozrejme nevyhne hodnoteniam niektorých situácíí, je to systematický a procesný typ človeka - no vždy doplní, ze je to neho vlastný názor, prípadne dodá ako by reagoval on. Kniha slúži aj ako sonda do aktuálnych postáv americkej vládnej politiky, čo je vždy dobré pre aktuáľny prehľad - no občas sa pritom jednoducho človeku až rozum zastavuje :) Čítať viac
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Taktiež by ma to zaujímalo. Čítať viac

„Jen ten, kdo věří na zázraky, je realista.“

Z nebe do ráje - Sophie Bérard, 2016
Z nebe do ráje
  • Sophie Bérard