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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024

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Marx Brothers, Taschen, 2007
Marx Brothers 

"The surprising thing about this film was that I succeeded in not going crazy," said director Leo McCarey about working with the manic Marx Brothers on Duck Soup...

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Audrey Hepburn, Taschen, 2006
Audrey Hepburn 

Her beauty has proved timeless—should we be surprised?..

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Mae West - Dominique Mainon, Taschen, 2008
Mae West 

In terms of celebrity icons, few attained the highest levels of fame and controversy as rapidly as Mae West. Labeled a "pornographer" by censorship boards, she was also one of 1930s Hollywood’s most lucrative box-office draws...

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Woody Allen - Glenn Hopp, Taschen, 2009
Woody Allen 

Woody Allen began his career writing jokes and scripts, then progressed to stand-up and acting, and finally wrote and directed his first film, Take the Money and Run, in 1969...

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Steve McQueen - Alain Silver, Taschen, 2007
Steve McQueen 

Steve McQueen found it hard to balance worldwide fame with a desperate need for solitude. Through performances that were effortless yet powerful, he connected with the people who saw him on stage...

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Elizabeth Taylor, Taschen, 2008
Elizabeth Taylor 

Elizabeth Taylor was a "diva" when that word still had meaning, before it was applied to every female celebrity with slightest bit of attitude and style. She was also one of the first actors to be raised to celebrity status by the media...

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Humphrey Bogart - James Ursini, Taschen, 2007
Humphrey Bogart 

Humphrey Bogart is a legend and an icon whose magic has not dissipated with time. The wounded tough guy image Bogart molded over the decades of his career still resonates...

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James Dean, Taschen, 2007
James Dean 

James Dean died at the age of 24, yet half a century later his mystique is unfaded. Had luck favored him that fatal evening, he might still be with us, an actor in the same generation as Paul Newman, Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, and Sean Connery...

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Cary Grant - F. X. Feeney, Taschen, 2007
Cary Grant 

He’s the most self-invented man in movies, this side of Charlie Chaplin. Like Chaplin, Cary Grant grew up poor, trained as an acrobat, and brims with confidence, romance, and a spirit of merry larceny—he just has a better tailor...

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Orson Welles - F. X. Feeney, Taschen, 2006
Orson Welles 

A recognized prodigy at age 10, world famous by age 23, Orson Welles was a triple magician of theater, radio, and film—and by age 25 a promising figure in American politics...

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Ingrid Bergman - Scott Eyman, Taschen, 2007
Ingrid Bergman 

Ingrid Bergman was more than the luminous image of healthy sensuality that intoxicated audiences worldwide during and immediately after World War II in movies like Casablanca, Gaslight, Spellbound and Notorious...

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Sean Connery, Taschen, 2009
Sean Connery 

Why is the only non-American winner of the AFI's prestigious Life Achievement Award a Scotsmanť Perhaps because Sean Connery's career, though international in scope and global in appeal, made him a "genuine movie star" without any pretensions...

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Frank Sinatra, Taschen, 2008
Frank Sinatra 

Long before he was Chairman of the Board, Frank Sinatra was a child of the jazz age and its free-wheeling approach to life. In the course of a meteoric rise from singing waiter to the world's first pop star, Sinatra relied on his own version...

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Robert De Niro - James Ursini, Taschen, 2009
Robert De Niro 

Most moviegoers associate actor Robert De Niro with adjectives like "intense," "violent," "streetwise," and "brooding." It is an image that De Niro has carefully nurtured over the last fifty years of his career...

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Marlon Brando, Taschen, 2006
Marlon Brando 

Had he not been an actor, Marlon Brando once wrote, he would have become a criminal—specifically, a con artist...

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Al Pacino - F. X. Feeney, Taschen, 2009
Al Pacino 

American cinema, as we've known it since The Godfather, would be impossible to reimagine without Al Pacino. As Michael Corleone he breathes life into an American of epic dimension...

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Grace Kelly, Taschen, 2007
Grace Kelly 

The top female box-office star of 1954, Grace Kelly's status as icon takes in an 11-film, three-year, screen career and a glamorous later life as Princess of Monaco...

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Johnny Depp - F.X. Feeney, Taschen, 2009
Johnny Depp 

How do we even describe the alienated beauty of Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, Ichabod Crane in Sleepy Hollow, Donnie Brasco, Don Juan DeMarco, Captain Jack Sparrow and Sweeney Todd, apart from the prodigious gift of Johnny Depp?...

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Greta Garbo, Taschen, 2007
Greta Garbo 

Greta Garbo’s uniquely photogenic beauty belies her great talent as an actress, as her performances in Queen Christina and Camille prove. A hint of a Garbo smile, touch, or glance conveyed volumes...

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Katharine Hepburn - Alain Silver, Taschen, 2007
Katharine Hepburn 

From birth, Katharine Hepburn seemed destined to become a symbol of the modern woman on stage, on screen, and in the world...

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Štyri hostiny - Meir Shalev, 2012
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Meir Shalev