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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024

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Clean Code - Robert C. Martin, Pearson, 2008
Clean Code 

Even bad code can function. But if code isn’t clean, it can bring a development organization to its knees. Every year, countless hours and significant resources are lost because of poorly written code...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    52,35 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

The C Programming Language - Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, Pearson, 1988
The C Programming Language 

This book is meant to help the reader learn how to program in C. It is the definitive reference guide, now in a second edition. Although the first edition was written in 1978, it continues to be a worldwide best-seller...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    69,85 €
    Na sklade 1 ks

Don't Make Me Think: Revisited - Steve Krug, Pearson, 2014
Don't Make Me Think: Revisited 

Since Don’t Make Me Think was first published in 2000, hundreds of thousands of Web designers and developers have relied on usability guru Steve Krug’s guide to help them understand the principles of intuitive navigation and information design...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    55,79 €
    Na sklade 1 ks

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People - Susan Weinschenk, Pearson, 2020
100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People 

We design to elicit responses from people. We want them to buy something, read more, or take action of some kind. Designing without understanding what makes people act the way they do is like exploring a new city without a map...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    29,25 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

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CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide Library - Wendell Odom, Pearson, 2019
CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide Library 

Cisco Press has the only study guides approved by Cisco for the new CCNA certification. The new edition of the best-selling two-book value-priced CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide Library includes updated content...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    59,99 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

DTrace - Brendan Gregg, Jim Mauro, Chad Mynhier, Tariq Magdon-Ismail, Pearson, 2011

The Oracle Solaris DTrace feature revolutionizes the way you debug operating systems and applications. Using DTrace, you can dynamically instrument software and quickly answer virtually any question about its behavior...

  • 55,00 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

C++ Primer Plus - Stephen Prata, Pearson, 2011
C++ Primer Plus 

C++ Primer Plus is a carefully crafted, complete tutorial on one of the most significant and widely used programming languages today. An accessible and easy-to-use self-study guide, this book is appropriate for both serious students of programming ...

  • Knihašpirálová väzba
    58,99 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Windows Internals Part 2 - Andrea Allievi, Mark E. Russinovich, Alex Ionescu, David A. Solomon, Pearson, 2022
Windows Internals Part 2 

For advanced computing professionals, this is the definitive up-to-date guide to how Windows core components behave under the hood. Using it, experienced developers can build more powerful and scalable software...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    59,22 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Code - Charles Petzold, Pearson, 2022

For more than 20 years, readers have delighted in Charles Petzold's illuminating story of the secret inner life of computers, and now he has revised it for this new age of computing...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    39,90 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Extreme Programming Explained - Kent Beck, Pearson, 2004
Extreme Programming Explained 
Martinusák odporúča 5

Nearly five years after the first edition of this book exploded on to the market, noted software engineering guru and the father of Extreme Programming (XP) Kent Beck provides a fresh look at this controversial topic...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    47,99 €
    Viac ako 30 dní
InDesign Type - Nigel French, Pearson, 2018
InDesign Type 

Typography is the foundation of all graphic design. And if there's one sure way to improve as a graphic designer, it's to become more confident and more sophisticated in your use of type. This fully updated fourth edition ...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    60,55 €
    Na sklade 1 ks

Clean Agile - Robert Martin, Robert C. Martin, Pearson, 2019
Clean Agile 

Twenty years after the Agile Manifesto was first presented, the legendary Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) reintroduces agile values and principles for a new generation of software developers. In this eagerly awaited book, the best-selling author...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    36,30 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Essential SharePoint 2013 - Scott Jamison, Pearson, 2013
Essential SharePoint 2013 

Essential SharePoint® 2013 approaches Microsoft SharePoint 2013 from a strict business value perspective, helping you plan and implement solutions that achieve effective business results...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    61,90 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Innovation Games - Luke Hohmann, Pearson, 2006
Innovation Games 

Innovation Through Understandingsm. The toughest part of innovation? Accurately predicting what customers want, need, and will pay for. Even if you ask them, they often can't explain what they want. Now, there's a breakthrough solution...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    46,32 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Tcl and the Tk Toolkit - John K. Ousterhout, Pearson, 1994
Tcl and the Tk Toolkit 

Since Tcl and the Tk Toolkit is written by the creator of the Tcl scripting language and the Tk toolkit, this book is the single authoritative resource for anyone who wants to produce far more powerful X Window System applications ...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    49,95 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Adobe InDesign CS4 How-Tos - John Cruise, Kelly Kordes Anton, Pearson, 2008
Adobe InDesign CS4 How-Tos 

InDesign CS4 is more than just a page layout tool; as part of Adobe's new Creative Suite 4, it's a key component of an overall design workflow that lets users work seamlessly among all of their graphics applications to create spectacular layouts...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    23,99 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Advanced Linux Programming - Mark Mitchell, Alex Samuel, Jeffrey Oldham, Pearson, 2001
Advanced Linux Programming 

Advanced Linux Programming is divided into two parts. The first covers generic UNIX system services, but with a particular eye towards Linux specific information. This portion of the book will be of use even to advanced programmers ...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    49,95 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Agile Software Development - Robert C. Martin, Pearson, 2013
Agile Software Development 

There is also a strong emphasis on the people behind the technology. This text will prepare students for a career in software engineering and serve as an on-going education for software engineers...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    90,12 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development - Jeremy Gibson Bond, Pearson, 2017
Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development 

Master the Unity Game Engine to Design and Develop Games for Web, Mobile, Windows, macOS, and More...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    89,05 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

A Project Guide to UX Design - Russ Unger, Carolyn Chandler Share, Pearson, 2012
A Project Guide to UX Design 

User experience design is the discipline of creating a useful and usable Web site or application that's easily navigated and meets the needs of the site owner and its users. There's a lot more...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    52,79 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

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  • Pocketbook
  • Kindle
  • Smartfón či tablet s príslušnou aplikáciou
  • Počítač s príslušnou aplikáciou

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  • Pocketbook
  • Kindle
  • Smartfón či tablet s príslušnou aplikáciou
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„Všiml jsem si, že nic nevede k horšímu neuspokojení než hojnost. Nakrmte člověka, oblečte ho, dejte mu pěkný dům - a umře vám zoufalstvím.“

Na východ od ráje - John Steinbeck, 2002
Na východ od ráje
John Steinbeck