Knihy o psychológii v anglickom jazyku
Why do I feel so overwhelmed? Why did I say that embarrassing thing? Is everyone else achieving more than me? What can I actually do to make a difference? Am I the only one feeling this way? In her debut book—which draws on her own experience with...
Knihapevná väzba22,32 €-14 %Na sklade 2 ks
Cvičebnice je vynikající pomůckou k zvládnutí velkého množství dat ve velké přehledové publikaci Psychologie, která je pokládána za jednu za základních učebnic tohoto oboru (česky R. L. Atkinson a kol.: Psychologie, Portál 2003)...
Knihabrožovaná väzba25,67 €-6 %Na sklade 2 ks
If everyone is looking to secure a relationship with their perceived best option, then the perception of value must be at the heart of human coupling. In this groundbreaking work, psychologist Orion Taraban...
Knihabrožovaná väzba24,99 €Viac ako 30 dní
We tend to believe that normality equals health. Yet what is the norm in the Western world?Mental illness is on an unstoppable rise. Some 45% of Europeans suffer high blood pressure, and nearly 70% of Americans take at least one prescription drug...
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After years of trying different therapies for his crippling anxiety without success, Dr Russell Kennedy had an epiphany: anxiety does not start in the brain. Anxiety starts in the body, where trauma is stored and physical and emotional perception begin...
Knihabrožovaná väzba18,88 €-14 %Predobjednávka,
vychádza zajtra
BE NO MAN'S PEACE. Have you ever been badgered by an annoying pick-up artist at the bar? Ever felt a burning desire to emotionally torture a friend's boyfriend in an act of revenge? Have you ever endured just talking to a man before?...
Knihapevná väzba12,00 €-14 %Do 2 – 6 dní
Anthony Pompliano writes a series of short letters to his daughter with a mountain of simple, practical advice and easy, actionable ideas about how to live an extraordinary life. The language is simple, the lessons are actionable, and the stories are...
Knihabrožovaná väzba16,12 €-14 %Predobjednávka,
vychádza o šesť dní
Monografia Jaroslavy Šickovej nie je vôbec typická monografia. „Je vlastne knihou o Jaroslave Šickovej a jej príbehu výtvarníčky, autorky, ženy, ktorá dala význam slovu arteterapia...
Knihapevná väzba39,70 €Na sklade 2 ks
Pepper se s vámi podělí o zkušenosti, které načerpal z vlastního života i z třicetileté práce s vedoucími pracovníky, státními úředníky a lidmi nejrůznějšího postavení a povolání, a přiměje vás k hlubokému zamyšlení nad životem...
Drawn from 3,000 years of the history of power, this guide helps readers achieve for themselves what Queen Elizabeth I, Henry Kissinger, Louis XIV and Machiavelli learnt the hard way.
Knihabrožovaná väzba23,50 €Na sklade > 5 ks
The remarkable stories of beloved pets – from the famous and unusual to the everyday – memorialized at burial sites around the world, accompanied by a rich selection of archival photos and the author’s evocative images of their final resting places...
Knihapevná väzba28,34 €-14 %Predobjednávka,
vychádza zajtra
How the groundbreaking science of body clocks can help you sleep better, feel happier and improve your overall health. Your body contains a symphony of tiny timepieces, synchronised to the sun and subtle signals in your environment and behaviour...
Knihabrožovaná väzba18,88 €-14 %Predobjednávka,
vychádza o šesť dní
We live in a world where uncertainty is inevitable. How should we deal with what we don’t know? And what role do chance, luck and coincidence play in our lives? David Spiegelhalter has spent his career dissecting data in order to understand risks and...
Knihapevná väzba31,30 €-5 %Predobjednávka,
vychádza zajtra
Knižka je o ľuďoch - opisuje pudové hybné sily správania, označované ako prirodzené vlastnosti. Táto téma je nesalónna a akoby unikala pozornosti, ale to je nerozumný prístup - je to tematika, ktorej závažnosť nedovoľuje, aby...
Knihabrožovaná väzba9,00 €Na sklade 1 ks
Why are we obsessed with the things we want only to be bored when we get them? ...
Knihabrožovaná väzba21,95 €Na sklade 1 ks
It's a belief that unites the left and right, psychologists and philosophers, writers and historians. It drives the headlines that surround us and the laws that touch our lives. From Machiavelli to Hobbes, Freud to Dawkins, the roots of this...
Knihabrožovaná väzba13,50 €Na sklade > 5 ks
There are many routes to mental wellbeing and award-winning neuroscientist Camilla Nord is at the forefront of finding them. In this ground-breaking book, she offers a revelatory tour of the scientific and technological developments that are...
Knihabrožovaná väzba12,86 €-14 %Na sklade 2 ks
The priceless wisdom and insight found in the bestselling The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People...
Originally published during the depths of the Great Depression-and equally valuable during booming economies or hard times—Dale Carnegie's rock-solid, time-tested advice has carried countless people up the ladder of success in their business and ...
Knihapevná väzba6,95 €Na sklade > 5 ks
Do you ever think you're the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague's abrasive manner get...
Knihabrožovaná väzba13,95 €Na sklade > 5 ks
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