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Kníhkupectvo na konci sveta - Ruth Shaw, Ikar, 2024
Vianoce vo Vermonte - Sarah Morgan, Fortuna Libri, 2024

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Daytime Shooting Star 7 - Mika Yamamori, Viz Media, 2020
Daytime Shooting Star 7 

Clueless country girl Suzume moves to Tokyo and finds her heart caught between two men...

Daytime Shooting Star 5 - Mika Yamamori, Viz Media, 2020
Daytime Shooting Star 5 

Clueless country girl Suzume moves to Tokyo and finds her heart caught between two men...

Daytime Shooting Star 8 - Mika Yamamori, Viz Media, 2020
Daytime Shooting Star 8 

Clueless country girl Suzume moves to Tokyo and finds her heart caught between two men...

Daytime Shooting Star 11 - Mika Yamamori, Viz Media, 2021
Daytime Shooting Star 11 

Clueless country girl Suzume moves to Tokyo and finds her heart caught between two men...

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Daytime Shooting Star 12 - Mika Yamamori, Viz Media, 2021
Daytime Shooting Star 12 

Clueless country girl Suzume moves to Tokyo and finds her heart caught between two men...

Daytime Shooting Star 9 - Mika Yamamori, Viz Media, 2020
Daytime Shooting Star 9 

Clueless country girl Suzume moves to Tokyo and finds her heart caught between two men...

Daytime Shooting Star 2 - Mika Yamamori, Viz Media, 2019
Daytime Shooting Star 2 

Optimistic high schooler Suzume moves to Tokyo and finds her heart caught between two men! After arriving in Tokyo to live with her uncle, Suzume collapses in a nearby park when she recallsm once seeing a shooting star during the day...

Daytime Shooting Star 4 - Mika Yamamori, Viz Media, 2020
Daytime Shooting Star 4 

Optimistic high schooler Suzume moves to Tokyo and finds her heart caught between two men! After arriving in Tokyo to live with her uncle, Suzume collapses in a nearby park where she had once seen a shooting star during the day...

Daytime Shooting Star 3 - Mika Yamamori, Viz Media, 2019
Daytime Shooting Star 3 

Optimistic high schooler Suzume moves to Tokyo and finds her heart caught between two men! After arriving in Tokyo to live with her uncle, Suzume collapses in a nearby park when she recalls once seeing a shooting star during the day...

Daytime Shooting Star 6 - Mika Yamamori, Viz Media, 2020
Daytime Shooting Star 6 

Clueless country girl Suzume moves to Tokyo and finds her heart caught between two men!After arriving in Tokyo to live with her uncle, Suzume collapses in a nearby park where she had once seen a shooting star during the day...

Daytime Shooting Star 1 - Mika Yamamori, Viz Media, 2019
Daytime Shooting Star 1 

Optimistic high schooler Suzume moves to Tokyo and finds her heart caught between two men! After arriving in Tokyo to live with her uncle, Suzume collapses in a nearby park when she remembers once seeing a shooting star during the day...

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„V Prahe a ešte na niektorých iných miestach som sa naučil byť sám. Byť sám sebou som sa doteraz nenaučil. Sám viem byť aj v dlhom rade na kapry. Ide to bez námahy, nemusím sa na to ani sústredí - pokiaľ si ma nevšímajú, na množstve ľudí okolo nezáleží. No na to, aby sme boli sami sebou, potrebujeme druhých.“

RAJc je preč - Pavel Vilikovský, 2018
RAJc je preč
  • Pavel Vilikovský