Ako vnímať druhého - David Brooks, Tatran, 2025

E-knihy poézia v anglickom jazyku

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We‘ll Never Get Parts Like That Again 

Beatiful poetry of the genius from Czech Republic, one of the greatest poets of 20th century. Anthology from translations of Ewald Osers.

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    5,20 €
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Songs of Bloom 

Collection of poems, originally song lyrics for a rock band, that were written as a medium to handle struggles of everyday life. They deal with many negative but also positive situations and what is needed to eventually accept the world around. These...

    8,90 €
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Trips There And Back To My Soul 

Do you need a pause and some time off? Be with yourself and feel the life in your veins? This book offers to become a companion for such moments. The first English book of collected poetic texts of Kata Kabath is the poetry of everyday life melted with...

    7,90 €
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Poems which break it all down into atoms. They deal with fundamental topics. They ask questions and look for answers. They hold up a mirror to us as well as motivating us to make improvements.

  • 9,50 €
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Napíšte nám a my sa ho pokúsime zohnať

The Lesser Histories 

From the eighth floor of a tower block in Central Europe, Jan Zábrana surveyed the twentieth century. He had been exiled from his own life by Communism. His parents were imprisoned, their health broken, and he was not allowed ...

    9,00 €
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Wounded poems 

"Watch me be born, watch me bloom and then die, watch me resurrect." - Elliotte P. Joel on Wounded Poems "Her poetic expression is barbaric, yet so dignified." - T. S. The debut poetry collection of Slovak-American author Elliotte P. Joel offers...

    7,77 €
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Your true face 

Every avid reader can be found in my book. I believe this book will comfort your souls who have gone astray or turned away from what is real. That is why the poetry entitled Your true face was created.

    5,50 €
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Sonya Jány inspired me to the extent that I dared reaching for the poetry of Jan Skácel (1922-1989; Czech poet). And she helped me to learn poems by Milan Rúfus (1928-2009; Slovak poet). I felt bewitched in much the same way as by the works of Skácel.

    4,95 €
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The Well at Morning 

První překlad reprezentativního výběru básní Bohuslava Reynka do angličtiny si klade náročný cíl představit zahraničním čtenářům svébytného vysočinského tvůrce včetně dobového a výtvarného kontextu jeho díla. Krom ...

    13,00 €
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  • Pocketbook
  • Kindle
  • Smartfón či tablet s príslušnou aplikáciou
  • Počítač s príslušnou aplikáciou

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Prečítate na zariadeniach:

  • Pocketbook
  • Kindle
  • Smartfón či tablet s príslušnou aplikáciou
  • Počítač s príslušnou aplikáciou

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„To, čím sme boli na začiatku, je iba nejasná farebná škvrna, na ktorú sa dívame z brehu toho, čím sme sa stali.“

Náhodné úvahy - Elena Ferrante, Andrea Ucini (ilustrátor), 2019
Náhodné úvahy
  • Elena Ferrante