Bezmocná - Lauren Roberts, YOLi, 2025

E-knihy sci-fi a fantasy v anglickom jazyku

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Lost In Time: Roman Threat / Third Reich Rises 

Deep in the past, Peter, the man from 20th century who managed to use the Time Gate, come with his friends into the conflict with expansionism of Roman Empire. Cooperating with Greek merchant Orneus and Germanic warriors of Quadi, he faces Romans...

  • E-knihaEPUBMOBI
    6,50 €
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A man disappears deep in the mountains of Slovakia, and traces of him appear 20 years later in a place they couldn't possibly get to. A young man who tries a new drug literally flies out of his skin and cannot get back. An ordinary teacher wakes up one...

    4,40 €
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Yorran: Born in the Dust of Path 

He, who never finds the courage to leave the native home, never finds who he truly is. This applied in the past and will apply in the future, and thus it‘s no surprise that it applies to the world created by the author of the Yorran saga, too.

    7,29 €
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The Crow War - Turning Point 

My name is Syra and this is how I feel. This is how they wanted me to feel. The City of New York, the year 2211. The world is divided into crows, people and mutants. Arkan, the Creator, who is responsible for release of the crow DNA into the air...

  • E-knihaEPUBMOBI
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Nenašli ste titul, ktorý ste hľadali?

Napíšte nám a my sa ho pokúsime zohnať

The Crow War - Army of Shadows 

The situation with the vial has, apparently, cleared up. Syra is no longer angry with Levant who had only been pretending his own death. She has found her parents and is now leaving to the West.  So how come the ever repeating visions with...

  • E-knihaEPUBMOBI
    3,95 €
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Of Mice and Mooshaber 

Díla Ladislava Fukse bývají charakterizována jako psychologická próza zaměřená na téma úzkosti a zla v totalitních systémech. Autor je u nás i v zahraničí známý zpracováním tématu holocaustu (Spalovač mrtvol, Pan Theodor Mundstock).

    12,00 €
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The alien Vesmirňák and the communist Jano 

If you think that this science fiction story described in the book is made up, then you are wrong. The story is real because everything it describes is the result of known physical laws, there is nothing supernatural about it. The story takes place not...

    4,50 €
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Loyal Heart 

The peaceful Joschol nation is facing the invasion of outlanders who came from the sea. Embark on a great gamebook quest to save them.

    3,50 €
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The Secret of Epsia 

Prince Mstislav of Sothor even though successful at first, uderstands that his principality is not strong enough to defend against larger neighbours. The only hope to save the homeland is to gather the retinue and set off north in a hunt for a mythical...

    8,90 €
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The Choice 

A bestseller that can change your life ‘’I dream of a world in flames: nuclear bombs falling on cities, consuming them like cancer; surviving in underground shelters, where we slowly turn into animals. These dreams are so lifelike. I’

    10,99 €
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Fragments of Heaven 

The first anthology of Slovak speculative fiction in English. Best short stories from the Fantasy Award 2014, the literary award of SF/F/H short stories in English language from Slovak authors.

  • E-knihaEPUBMOBI
    3,49 €
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A Tad Late, but Thanks Anyway 

An Anthology of Slovak speculative fiction in English. Best short stories from the Fantasy Award 2015, the literary award of SF/F/H short stories in English language from Slovak authors with the “bonus track” – a fantasy short story writ

    3,49 €
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Prečítate na zariadeniach:

  • Pocketbook
  • Kindle
  • Smartfón či tablet s príslušnou aplikáciou
  • Počítač s príslušnou aplikáciou

Nie je možné meniť veľkosť písma, formát je preto vhodný skôr pre väčšie obrazovky.

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Prečítate na zariadeniach:

  • Pocketbook
  • Kindle
  • Smartfón či tablet s príslušnou aplikáciou
  • Počítač s príslušnou aplikáciou

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  • Kindle
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„Dobre vidíme iba srdcom. To hlavné je očiam neviditeľné.“

Malý princ - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine De Saint-Exupéry (ilustrátor), 2019
Malý princ
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry