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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024

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Graphic Design Thinking - Ellen Lupton, Princeton Scientific, 2011
Graphic Design Thinking 

Creativity is more than an inborn talent; it is a hard-earned skill, and like any other skill, it improves with practice. Graphic Design Thinking: How to Define Problems, Get Ideas, ...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    25,19 €
    Do 3 – 6 dní

Design Is Storytelling - Ellen Lupton, Cooper-Hewitt Museum, 2017
Design Is Storytelling 

Good design, like good storytelling, brings ideas to life. The latest book from award-winning writer Ellen Lupton is a playbook for creative thinking, showing designers how to use storytelling techniques to create satisfying graphics, products, ...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    19,50 €
    Na sklade 4 ks

Area_2 - Ellen Lupton, Phaidon, 2008

"Area 2" is the newest volume in Phaidon's acclaimed "Area" series, and features 100 of the world's most interesting emerging graphic designers, as chosen by 10 of the most respected figures in the field...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    66,43 €
    -5 %
    Viac ako 30 dní

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Beauty - Ellen Lupton, Andrea Lipps, Cooper-Hewitt Museum, 2016

Beauty the book, born out of Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum's 2015 Triennial of the same name, curated by Andrea Lipps and Ellen Lupton showcases some of the most exciting and provocative design created around the globe during the past three ...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    46,70 €
    Na sklade 1 ks

Senses : Design Beyond Vision - Ellen Lupton, Andrea Lipps, Princeton Architectural Press, 2018
Senses : Design Beyond Vision 

A powerful reminder to anyone who thinks design is primarily a visual pursuit, The Senses accompanies a major exhibition at the Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum that explores how space, materials, sound, and light affect the mind and body...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    28,54 €
    -5 %
    Viac ako 30 dní

The ABC's of Triangle, Square, Circle - Ellen Lupton, J. Abbott Miller, Princeton Architectural Press, 2019
The ABC's of Triangle, Square, Circle 

The Bauhaus, the legendary school in Dessau, Germany, transformed architecture and design around the world. This book broke new ground when first published in 1991 by introducing psychoanalysis, geometry, early childhood education, and...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    28,74 €
    Na sklade 1 ks

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„Svet, v ktorom sa číta, je tým najlepším možným. Čítanie kníh a debaty o nich sú tou najpríjemnejšou formou cibrenia mysle, na akú som vo svojom doterajšom živote natrafila. A jedným z najúčinnejších spôsobov, ako meniť svoj svet k lepšiemu. “

Do plaviek - Eva Borušovičová, 2018
Do plaviek
Eva Borušovičová