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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
The Service Startup - Tenny Pinheiro, , 2014

20,43 €

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The Service Startup - Tenny Pinheiro, , 2014
The Service Startup - Tenny Pinheiro, , 2014

The Service Startup

Design Thinking gets Lean

This book is a practical guide that explores how startup entrepreneurs and business leaders, who hold no Design degrees, can integrate Service Design into their development... Čítať viac

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This book is a practical guide that explores how startup entrepreneurs and business leaders, who hold no Design degrees, can integrate Service Design into their development cycles in order to create sustainable, desirable and profitable new services... Čítať viac

  • Špirálová väzba
  • Angličtina

20,43 €

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The Service Startup - Tenny Pinheiro, , 2014
20,43 €

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This book is a practical guide that explores how startup entrepreneurs and business leaders, who hold no Design degrees, can integrate Service Design into their development cycles in order to create sustainable, desirable and profitable new services. In the first part, Tenny explores the reasons why startups need to move away from the “make and sell” industrial logic we’ve been exploiting over the last century. To take its place he proposes a new service oriented mindset that carries the idea of "learn, use and remember” users' journeys. He also discusses the challenges our industrial society is facing and how the combination of design with a service oriented mentality can be key to help new and existent businesses make this shift. In the second part, he will take you on a journey through the MVS - Minimum Valuable Service - model. This model can seamlessly integrate Service Design into the Lean Startup or any Agile development cycle. It adds the human values needed to foster service innovations within the Lean’s scientific approach. In this part of the book you will learn tools, methods and practices that will help you get your hands dirty with design.
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špirálová väzba
155×230 mm
315 g
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Kúpte spolu
The Service Startup - Tenny Pinheiro, , 2014
Steve Jobs - Zrodenie vizionára - Brent Schlender, Rick Tetzeli, Eastone Books, 2015
45,42 €


Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

Kúpte spolu
The Service Startup - Tenny Pinheiro, , 2014
Steve Jobs - Zrodenie vizionára - Brent Schlender, Rick Tetzeli, Eastone Books, 2015
45,42 €

„Obyčajné a jednoduché veci sa vravia potichu.“

Medzerový plod - Veronika Šikulová, 2014
Medzerový plod
Veronika Šikulová