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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Less is More - Jason Hickel, Cornerstone, 2021

14,50 €

Pri nákupe nad 49 €
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Less is More - Jason Hickel, Cornerstone, 2021
Less is More - Jason Hickel, Cornerstone, 2021

Less is More

How Degrowth Will Save the World

Our planet is in trouble. But how can we reverse the current crisis and create a sustainable future... Čítať viac

Cornerstone, 2021
Počet strán

Our planet is in trouble. But how can we reverse the current crisis and create a sustainable future... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

14,50 €

U dodávateľa 3 ks
Posielame do 3 – 6 dní
Ďalšie knižné vydania (2)
Less is More - Jason Hickel, William Heinemann, 2020
Brožovaná väzba
Angličtina, 2020

Less is More, Victionary, 2017
Pevná väzba
Angličtina, 2017
Viac ako 30 dní

36,89 €

Naši škriatkovia odporúčajú

Less is More - Jason Hickel, Cornerstone, 2021
14,50 €

Viac o knihe

Our planet is in trouble. But how can we reverse the current crisis and create a sustainable future? The answer is: Degrowth.

Less is More is the wake-up call we need. By shining a light on ecological breakdown and the system that's causing it, Hickel shows how we can bring our economy back into balance with the living world and build a thriving society for all. This is our chance to change course, but we must act now.
Čítať viac

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Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

„Tak prečo máme ustavične ambíciu milovať? Pretože láska je bod, kde sa stretáva pravda s mágiou.“

Roviny života - Julian Barnes, 2015
Roviny života
Julian Barnes