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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
The Willpower Instinct - Kelly McGonigal, Avery, 2013

26,55 €

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The Willpower Instinct - Kelly McGonigal, Avery, 2013
The Willpower Instinct - Kelly McGonigal, Avery, 2013

The Willpower Instinct

The first book to explain the new science of self-control and how it can be harnessed to improve our health, happiness, and productivity... Čítať viac

Avery, 2013
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The first book to explain the new science of self-control and how it can be harnessed to improve our health, happiness, and productivity... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

26,55 €

Na objednávku
Dodanie môže trvať viac ako 30 dní
Ďalšie knižné vydania
The Willpower Instinct - Kelly McGonigal, Avery, 2011
Pevná väzba
Angličtina, 2011

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The Willpower Instinct - Kelly McGonigal, Avery, 2013
26,55 €

Viac o knihe

The first book to explain the new science of self-control and how it can be harnessed to improve our health, happiness, and productivity. `The Willpower Instinct` is based on Stanford University psychologist Kelly McGonigal's wildly popular course `The Science of Willpower.` Informed by the latest research and combining cutting-edge insights from psychology, economics, neuroscience, and medicine, `The Willpower Instinct` explains exactly what willpower is, how it works, why it matters, and how to get more of it. For example, readers will learn: Willpower is a mind-body response, not a virtue. Too much self-control can be bad for your health. Giving up control is sometimes the only way to gain self-control. Willpower failures are contagious. `The Willpower Instinct` combines life-changing prescriptive, advice, and complementary exercises to help readers tackle goals ranging from losing weight to more patient parenting, less procrastination, better health, and greater productivity at work.
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Naše katalógové číslo
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brožovaná väzba
153×228 mm
454 g
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Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

„Svet, v ktorom sa číta, je tým najlepším možným. Čítanie kníh a debaty o nich sú tou najpríjemnejšou formou cibrenia mysle, na akú som vo svojom doterajšom živote natrafila. A jedným z najúčinnejších spôsobov, ako meniť svoj svet k lepšiemu. “

Do plaviek - Eva Borušovičová, 2018
Do plaviek
Eva Borušovičová