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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Why Fonts Matter - Sarah Hyndman, Virgin Books, 2016

21,12 €

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Why Fonts Matter - Sarah Hyndman, Virgin Books, 2016
Why Fonts Matter - Sarah Hyndman, Virgin Books, 2016

Why Fonts Matter

We all constantly interact with type in almost every aspect of our lives. But how do fonts affect what we read and influence the choices we make? This book opens up the science... Čítať viac

Virgin Books, 2016
Počet strán

We all constantly interact with type in almost every aspect of our lives. But how do fonts affect what we read and influence the choices we make? This book opens up the science and the art behind how fonts influence you... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

21,12 €

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Why Fonts Matter - Sarah Hyndman, Virgin Books, 2016
21,12 €

Viac o knihe

We all constantly interact with type in almost every aspect of our lives. But how do fonts affect what we read and influence the choices we make? This book opens up the science and the art behind how fonts influence you. It explains why certain fonts or styles evoke particular experiences and associations. Fonts have different personalities that can create trust, mistrust, give you confidence, make things seem easier to do or make a product taste better. They’re hidden in plain sight, they trigger memories, associations and multisensory experiences in your imagination.

  • Fonts can alter the meanings of words right before your very eyes.
  • See what personalities fonts have, and what they reveal about YOUR personality.
  • Explore how you respond to fonts emotionally and can make fonts work for your message.
  • Be amazed that a font has the power to alter the taste of your food.

This book is for anyone who is interested in giving words impact, who loves words and how they influence us.
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Naše katalógové číslo
Počet strán
brožovaná väzba
190×220 mm
449 g
Rok vydania
Virgin Books

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30,65 €


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Mária Mihaliková
Overený nákup
Super kniha
Moja objednávka síce mala prísť na Vianoce, ale prišla mi až o mesiac neskôr.. už som bola na vážkach, že zruším objednávku, ale oplatilo sa čakať!! Kniha je super a odporúčam každému, koho zaujíma typografia. SUPER!!! Čítať viac

Kúpte spolu
30,65 €

„Obyčajné a jednoduché veci sa vravia potichu.“

Medzerový plod - Veronika Šikulová, 2014
Medzerový plod
Veronika Šikulová