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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
The Mountain Shadow - Gregory David Roberts, Little, Brown, 2016

12,95 €

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The Mountain Shadow - Gregory David Roberts, Little, Brown, 2016
The Mountain Shadow - Gregory David Roberts, Little, Brown, 2016

The Mountain Shadow

The first glimpse of the sea on Marine Drive filled my heart, if not my head. I turned away from the red shadow. I stopped thinking of that pyramid of killers, and Sanjay's... Čítať viac

2. diel série
Little, Brown, 2016
560 strán
8-9 hodín čítania

The first glimpse of the sea on Marine Drive filled my heart, if not my head. I turned away from the red shadow. I stopped thinking of that pyramid of killers, and Sanjay's improvidence. I stopped thinking about my own part in the madness... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

12,95 €

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The Mountain Shadow - Gregory David Roberts, Little, Brown, 2015
Brožovaná väzba
Angličtina, 2015

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The Mountain Shadow - Gregory David Roberts, Little, Brown, 2016
12,95 €

Viac o knihe

The first glimpse of the sea on Marine Drive filled my heart, if not my head. I turned away from the red shadow. I stopped thinking of that pyramid of killers, and Sanjay's improvidence. I stopped thinking about my own part in the madness. And I rode, with my friends, into the end of everything. Shantaram introduced millions of readers to a cast of unforgettable characters through Lin, an Australian fugitive, working as a passport forger for a branch of the Bombay mafia. In The Mountain Shadow, the long-awaited sequel, Lin must find his way in a Bombay run by a different generation of mafia dons, playing by a different set of rules. It has been two years since the events in Shantaram, and since Lin lost two people he had come to love: his father figure, Khaderbhai, and his soul mate, Karla, married to a handsome Indian media tycoon. Lin returns from a smuggling trip to a city that seems to have changed too much, too soon. Many of his old friends are long gone, the new mafia leadership has become entangled in increasingly violent and dangerous intrigues, and a fabled holy man challenges everything that Lin thought he'd learned about love and life. But Lin can't leave the Island City: Karla, and a fatal promise, won't let him go.
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Naše katalógové číslo
Počet strán
brožovaná väzba
126×198 mm
604 g
Rok vydania
2. diel série
Little, Brown

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Kúpte spolu
The Mountain Shadow - Gregory David Roberts, Little, Brown, 2016
Hra o tróny - George R.R. Martin, Tatran, 2014
36,33 €


Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

Kúpte spolu
The Mountain Shadow - Gregory David Roberts, Little, Brown, 2016
Hra o tróny - George R.R. Martin, Tatran, 2014
36,33 €

„Svet, v ktorom sa číta, je tým najlepším možným. Čítanie kníh a debaty o nich sú tou najpríjemnejšou formou cibrenia mysle, na akú som vo svojom doterajšom živote natrafila. A jedným z najúčinnejších spôsobov, ako meniť svoj svet k lepšiemu. “

Do plaviek - Eva Borušovičová, 2018
Do plaviek
Eva Borušovičová