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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Naruto: Itachi's Story 1: Daylight - Takashi Yano, Masashi Kishimoto, Viz Media, 2016

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Naruto: Itachi's Story 1: Daylight - Takashi Yano, Masashi Kishimoto, Viz Media, 2016
Naruto: Itachi's Story 1: Daylight - Takashi Yano, Masashi Kishimoto, Viz Media, 2016

Naruto: Itachi's Story 1: Daylight

Itachi and Sasuke come of age and find their places in the ninja world in this three-volume epic... Čítať viac

Naruto Novels
Viz Media, 2016
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Itachi and Sasuke come of age and find their places in the ninja world in this three-volume epic... Čítať viac

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Naruto: Itachi's Story 1: Daylight - Takashi Yano, Masashi Kishimoto, Viz Media, 2016
9,99 €

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Itachi and Sasuke come of age and find their places in the ninja world in this three-volume epic.

A new series of prose novels, straight from the worldwide Naruto franchise. Naruto’s allies and enemies take center stage in these fast-paced adventures, with each volume focusing on a particular clan mate, ally, team…or villain.

Uchiha Itachi, four years of age. With the hell of war burned into his eyes, the boy makes a resolution: he will rid this world of all violence. The birth of Sasuke, meeting his friend Shisui, the academy, genin, chunin, and then the Anbu—Itachi races down the path of glory toward his dream of becoming the first Uchiha Hokage, unaware of the darkness that lies ahead…
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190×129 mm
168 g
Rok vydania
Naruto Novels
Viz Media

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„Osud nechystá prekvapenia. Robí prípravy, dáva znamenia a vysiela aj zvedov, no len málokto má oči, ktoré to vidia, uši, ktoré to počujú, a um, ktorý to chápe.“

Štyri hostiny - Meir Shalev, 2012
Štyri hostiny
Meir Shalev