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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
All the Little Bird-Hearts - Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow, Tinder, 2023

21,52 €

Pri nákupe nad 49 €
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All the Little Bird-Hearts - Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow, Tinder, 2023
All the Little Bird-Hearts - Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow, Tinder, 2023

All the Little Bird-Hearts

Sunday Forrester lives with her sixteen-year-old daughter, Dolly, in the house she grew up in. She does things more carefully than most people. On quiet days, she must eat only... Čítať viac

Tinder, 2023
304 strán
4-5 hodín čítania

Sunday Forrester lives with her sixteen-year-old daughter, Dolly, in the house she grew up in. She does things more carefully than most people. On quiet days, she must eat only white foods... Čítať viac

  • Pevná väzba
  • Angličtina

21,52 €

Na sklade 1 ks
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Ďalšie knižné vydania
All the Little Bird-Hearts - Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow, Tinder, 2023
Brožovaná väzba
Angličtina, 2023
Na sklade 2 ks
-5 %

19,01 €

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Viac z kolekcie

Booker Prize 2023

All the Little Bird-Hearts - Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow, Tinder, 2023
21,52 €

Viac o knihe

I lived for and loved a bird-heart that summer; I only knew it afterwards.

Sunday Forrester lives with her sixteen-year-old daughter, Dolly, in the house she grew up in. She does things more carefully than most people. On quiet days, she must eat only white foods. Her etiquette handbook guides her through confusing social situations, and to escape, she turns to her treasury of Sicilian folklore. The one thing very much out of her control is Dolly - her clever, headstrong daughter, now on the cusp of leaving home.

Into this carefully ordered world step Vita and Rollo, a couple who move in next door, disarm Sunday with their charm, and proceed to deliciously break just about every rule in Sunday's book. Soon they are in and out of each others' homes, and Sunday feels loved and accepted like never before. But beneath Vita and Rollo's polish lies something else, something darker. For Sunday has precisely what Vita has always wanted for herself: a daughter of her own.
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Naše katalógové číslo
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pevná väzba
162×234 mm
516 g
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Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

„Tak prečo máme ustavične ambíciu milovať? Pretože láska je bod, kde sa stretáva pravda s mágiou.“

Roviny života - Julian Barnes, 2015
Roviny života
Julian Barnes