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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Pearl - Siân Hughes, The Indigo Press, 2023

14,85 €

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Pearl - Siân Hughes, The Indigo Press, 2023
Pearl - Siân Hughes, The Indigo Press, 2023


Marianne is eight years old when her mother goes missing. Left behind with her baby brother and grieving father in a ramshackle house on the edge of a small village, she... Čítať viac

The Indigo Press, 2023
224 strán
3 hodiny čítania

Marianne is eight years old when her mother goes missing. Left behind with her baby brother and grieving father in a ramshackle house on the edge of a small village, she clings to the fragmented memories of her mother’s love... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

14,85 €

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Viac z kolekcie

Booker Prize 2023

Pearl - Siân Hughes, The Indigo Press, 2023
14,85 €

Viac o knihe

A haunting debut novel inspired by the medieval poem of the same name

Marianne is eight years old when her mother goes missing.

Left behind with her baby brother and grieving father in a ramshackle house on the edge of a small village, she clings to the fragmented memories of her mother’s love; the smell of fresh herbs, the games they played, and the songs and stories of her childhood.

As time passes, Marianne struggles to adjust, fixated on her mother’s disappearance and the secrets she’s sure her father is keeping from her. Discovering a medieval poem called Pearl and trusting in its promise of consolation, Marianne sets out to make a visual illustration of it, a task that she returns to over and over but somehow never manages to complete.

Tormented by an unmarked gravestone in an abandoned chapel and the tidal pull of the river, her childhood home begins to crumble as the past leads her down a path of self-destruction. But can art heal Marianne? And will her own future as a mother help her find peace?

Longlisted for The Booker Prize 2023
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Naše katalógové číslo
Počet strán
brožovaná väzba
129×198 mm
295 g
Rok vydania
Spojené kráľovstvo
The Indigo Press
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„Obyčajné a jednoduché veci sa vravia potichu.“

Medzerový plod - Veronika Šikulová, 2014
Medzerový plod
Veronika Šikulová