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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Graphic Design for Non-designers - Tony Seddon, Jane Waterhouse, Rotovision, 2009

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Graphic Design for Non-designers - Tony Seddon, Jane Waterhouse, Rotovision, 2009
Graphic Design for Non-designers - Tony Seddon, Jane Waterhouse, Rotovision, 2009

Graphic Design for Non-designers

The ultimate primer for the design rookie

At some point, almost everyone will produce a piece of graphic design. It might be a birthday card for a relative, a poster for a neighborhood event, or an advert for the office... Čítať viac

Rotovision, 2009
Počet strán

At some point, almost everyone will produce a piece of graphic design. It might be a birthday card for a relative, a poster for a neighborhood event, or an advert for the office notice board... Čítať viac

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At some point, almost everyone will produce a piece of graphic design. It might be a birthday card for a relative, a poster for a neighborhood event, or an advert for the office notice board. There are thousands of DIY graphic designers out there who have neither the time nor the inclination to study graphic design formally, but do want to know how to get results that move their projects beyond the amateurish. Graphic Design for Nondesigners is the book for them, offering an accessible, jargon-busting guide to getting professional-looking results. The book explains the basic principles of graphic design, such as use of space and structure, color, and type. It will feature do’s and don’ts, hints, tips, box-outs, comparative examples, and specially-commissioned illustrations. The book includes 20 step-by-step projects for everyday design items, such as adverts, logos, business cards, letterheads, menus, gift wrap, invitations, posters, CD and DVD packaging, websites, blogs, newsletters, and T-shirts.
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Naše katalógové číslo
Počet strán
170×220 mm
Rok vydania

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Vražedné pohádky - Andreas Gruber, 2022
Vražedné pohádky
Andreas Gruber