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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Valentino, Taschen, 2007

3 500,00 €

Pridajte do košíka a poštovné máte zadarmo :)


    As beautiful and luxurious as one of his gowns, this is the ultimate homage to Valentino, gathering hundreds of images from his archives, including drawings, portraits, and... Čítať viac

    Taschen, 2007
    738 strán
    10-11 hodín čítania

    As beautiful and luxurious as one of his gowns, this is the ultimate homage to Valentino, gathering hundreds of images from his archives, including drawings, portraits, and magazine shoots, alongside a vast array of editorial features... Čítať viac

    • Pevná väzba
    • Angličtina, nemčina, francúzština, taliančina

    3 500,00 €

    U dodávateľa 2 ks
    Posielame do 3 – 6 dní

    Naši škriatkovia odporúčajú

    Valentino, Taschen, 2007
    3 500,00 €
    Knižní škriatkovia pre vás pravidelne hľadajú tie najzaujímavejšie tituly a niektoré z nich sú také vzácne, že sa stanú výstavnými dielami vašej domácej knižnice. Všetky tieto knižné diela nájdete v našej Zberateľskej knižnici a nechýba medzi nimi ani kniha, na ktorú sa práve pozeráte :-)

    Viac o knihe

    The glamorous life and work of Valentino Garavani

    Think Valentino: think luxury, think elegance, think red carpet. Fashion’s beloved upholder of refined decadence and the most exciting couturier in business is known around the globe simply by his first name. Only a few years after opening his fashion house in Rome in 1959, the designer counted Elizabeth Taylor, Jackie Kennedy, and Audrey Hepburn among his devotees. Over 40 years later, not much has changed—he’s still dressing the top celebrities, from Gwyneth Paltrow to J.Lo, while his business has now grown into one of the most famous fashion houses in the world.

    Never wavering from his signature style even when grunge, deconstruction, and other passing fads were all the rage, Valentino has always designed clothes for glamorous and sophisticated women. Though his couture division almost never makes a profit (his ready-to-wear lines are what fuel the business), his heart is most solidly devoted to the magnificent haute couture gowns that earned him his reputation as fashion’s most talented dressmaker.

    This luxurious Collector’s Edition pays homage to Valentino’s illustrious career via a copious selection of images from his archives, including drawings, magazine shoots, advertisements, portraits of Valentino, and documentary photographs. Presented chronologically, the visual material is accompanied by a vast array of newspaper and magazine articles about Valentino throughout the years as well as Vanity Fair writer Matt Tyrnauer’s interviews with 20 of Valentino’s closest collaborators and friends and a tribute from fashion writer Suzy Menkes.

    Limited Collector’s Edition of 2,000 copies, each numbered and signed by Valentino Garavani, with clamshell box finished in silk cloth, specially tinted in Valentino red

    Also available in an Art Edition, limited to 100 numbered copies (No. 1–100), each signed by fashion designer Valentino and accompanied by four prints of original drawings from the 1950s and 1960s
    Čítať viac
    Naše katalógové číslo
    Počet strán
    pevná väzba
    33x44 cm
    Rok vydania
    Knihy pre náročných
    angličtina, nemčina, francúzština, taliančina

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    „Svet, v ktorom sa číta, je tým najlepším možným. Čítanie kníh a debaty o nich sú tou najpríjemnejšou formou cibrenia mysle, na akú som vo svojom doterajšom živote natrafila. A jedným z najúčinnejších spôsobov, ako meniť svoj svet k lepšiemu. “

    Do plaviek - Eva Borušovičová, 2018
    Do plaviek
    Eva Borušovičová