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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Appeasing Hitler - Tim Bouverie, Vintage, 2020

12,34 €

Pri nákupe nad 49 €
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Appeasing Hitler - Tim Bouverie, Vintage, 2020
Appeasing Hitler - Tim Bouverie, Vintage, 2020

Appeasing Hitler

Chamberlain, Churchill and the Road to War

On a wet afternoon in September 1938, Neville Chamberlain stepped off an aeroplane and announced that his visit to Hitler had averted the greatest crisis in recent memory. It... Čítať viac

Vintage, 2020
Počet strán

On a wet afternoon in September 1938, Neville Chamberlain stepped off an aeroplane and announced that his visit to Hitler had averted the greatest crisis in recent memory. It was, he later assured the crowd in Downing Street, 'peace for our time'... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

12,34 €

-5 %
Pôvodná cena 12,95 €
Na objednávku
Dodanie môže trvať viac ako 30 dní
Ďalšie knižné vydania
Appeasing Hitler - Tim Bouverie, Vintage, 2019
Pevná väzba
Angličtina, 2019
Viac ako 30 dní
-5 %

20,92 €

Naši škriatkovia odporúčajú

Appeasing Hitler - Tim Bouverie, Vintage, 2020
12,34 €

Viac o knihe

** Sunday Times Bestseller **

On a wet afternoon in September 1938, Neville Chamberlain stepped off an aeroplane and announced that his visit to Hitler had averted the greatest crisis in recent memory. It was, he later assured the crowd in Downing Street, 'peace for our time'. Less than a year later, Germany invaded Poland and the Second World War began.

This is a vital new history of the disastrous years of indecision, failed diplomacy and parliamentary infighting that enabled Nazi domination of Europe. Drawing on previously unseen sources, it sweeps from the advent of Hitler in 1933 to the beaches of Dunkirk, and presents an unforgettable portrait of the ministers, aristocrats and amateur diplomats whose actions and inaction had devastating consequences.
Čítať viac
Naše katalógové číslo
Počet strán
brožovaná väzba
129×198 mm
375 g
Rok vydania

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Recenzie, kritiky

'Brilliant and sparkling . . . Reads like a thriller. I couldn't put it down' Peter Frankopan

'Vivid, detailed and utterly fascinating . . . This is political drama at its most compelling' James Holland

'Bouverie skilfully traces each shameful step to war . . . in moving and dramatic detail' Sunday Telegraph

'Astonishing' ANTONY BEEVOR

'One of the most promising young historians to enter our field for years' MAX HASTINGS

„Tak prečo máme ustavične ambíciu milovať? Pretože láska je bod, kde sa stretáva pravda s mágiou.“

Roviny života - Julian Barnes, 2015
Roviny života
Julian Barnes