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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024

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Kitchen Kulture, Gestalten Verlag, 2015
Kitchen Kulture

Whether traditional, Nordic, or futuristic, the kitchen is the new living room—a place to cook, eat, and celebrate. This book showcases the latest interiors and kitchen concepts...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    55,00 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Less But Better - Dieter Rams, Gestalten Verlag, 2014
Less But Better 

The new edition of the benchmark work originally published by the Dieter and Ingeborg Rams Foundation and Jo Klatt. Few product designs have the staying power of creations by Dieter Rams. Almost everything produced by ...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    33,19 €
    Na sklade > 5 ks

Do You Read Me? - Marianne Julia Strauss, Gestalten Verlag, 2020
Do You Read Me? 

Lose yourself in the pages of this showcase of some of the most beautiful, innovative, and successful bookshops around the world. Bookshops are powerful places with the -freedom to deep-dive into their niche...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    43,19 €
    Na sklade 1 ks

The Great Alone - Tim Voors, Gestalten Verlag, 2019
The Great Alone 

Get ready for the sublime beauty of the Pacific Crest Trail. From the Mojave Desert, through the soaring peaks of the Sierra Nevada, to Canada, traversing the American West is not for the faint-hearted. Pristine mountain lakes, nights under the stars, ...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    29,95 €
    Na sklade 1 ks

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Offpiste - Kustaa Saksi, Gestalten Verlag, 2009

Scandinavian illustrator Kustaa Saksi creates retro-futuristic kaleidoscopic landscapes fusing organic shapes with vivacious imagery and vivid colours into radiating new world psychedelia...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    36,69 €
    -5 %
    Viac ako 30 dní

Made of... - Christiane Sauer, Gestalten Verlag, 2010
Made of... 

Today’s innovative architecture would be inconceivable and unbuildable without the rapid development of new building materials and technologies...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    56,18 €
    -5 %
    Viac ako 30 dní

Strike a Pose, Gestalten Verlag, 2008
Strike a Pose 

Strike a Pose documents a new extroverted architectural language. The iconographically charged scenes and futuristic spaces featured are playful and experimental and range from private residences to schools and operas, museums and interior design...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    62,96 €
    -5 %
    Viac ako 30 dní

Stickers 2 - Andreas Ullrich, Gestalten Verlag, 2009
Stickers 2 

Stickers are an independent, creative form of expression and an integral part of contemporary street art and visual culture. Favoured amongst street artists, graphic designers, illustrators and typographers, they have become a common phenomenon ...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    44,74 €
    -5 %
    Viac ako 30 dní

The Little Know-It-All, Gestalten Verlag, 2012
The Little Know-It-All 

The Little Know-It-All provides the fundamental information designers need to know to thrive in their growing field of practice...

  • Knihaflexi väzba
    35,25 €
    -5 %
    Viac ako 30 dní

Latino Grafico, Gestalten Verlag, 2010
Latino Grafico 

From Mexico to Patagonia, Latin America is bursting with creativity. As economies in this region have prospered over the last few years, the demand for work by local creative talent has grown with them...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    47,60 €
    -5 %
    Viac ako 30 dní
Altitude, Gestalten Verlag, 2006

A new wave of intellectually rigorous and iconoclastic Swiss designers are carving their niche in a new graphic language. By combining traditional high quality "Swiss Style" with advanced media, they are giving rise to a progressive style...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    88,06 €
    -5 %
    Do 11 – 16 dní

Rock the Shack, Gestalten Verlag, 2013
Rock the Shack 

From weekend homes to get-away cabins in the mountains, by the sea, or in the woods, this architecture embodies our longing for lounging in nature. Rock the Shack is a survey of such contemporary refuges from around the world - from basic to luxury...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    47,65 €
    -5 %
    Na sklade 1 ks

We are Dandy - Nathaniel Adams, Gestalten Verlag, 2016
We are Dandy 

Around the world, dandies embrace style while respecting their local cultural traditions. Dandyism transcends fashion it is a committed way of life. An international survey of the global dandy community from the creators of I am Dandy. From America to Afr

  • Knihapevná väzba
    47,60 €
    -5 %
    Viac ako 30 dní

The Intelligent Lifestyle Magazine - Francesco Franchi, Gestalten Verlag, 2016
The Intelligent Lifestyle Magazine 

How can infographics help magazines and newspapers succeed? Francesco Franchi, author of Designing News, answers this question in The Intelligent Lifestyle Magazine. Francesco Franchi is the art director of IL: Intelligence in Lifestyle, ...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    64,80 €
    -5 %
    Na sklade 1 ks

The Great American Road Trip, Gestalten Verlag, 2022
The Great American Road Trip 

There's really nothing quite like the freedom of the open road. And there's nowhere on the planet more thrilling to traverse by car than the United States, a country that in many ways is the birthplace...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    42,19 €
    Na sklade 1 ks

Visual Journalism, Gestalten Verlag, 2017
Visual Journalism 

As the world grows more complex, some of the best stories are told through visuals – infographics. From election results to catastrophes to wars to scientific discoveries: the stream of data we are exposed to daily becomes ever more complicated...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    50,69 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

A History of Graphic Design for Rainy Days, Gestalten Verlag, 2012
A History of Graphic Design for Rainy Days 

One fateful rainy day, a bored kid asks his grandfather “what in the world is graphic design?” ...

  • Čítanámierne opotrebovaná
    12,71 €
    Na sklade
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Marvel By Design, Gestalten Verlag, 2021
Marvel By Design 

As one of the most recognisable brands in the world, Marvel has a rich history of over 60 years inspiring readers, creatives, and fans...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    50,66 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

The Monocle Guide To Hotels, Inns and Hideaways - Monocle, Gestalten Verlag, 2018
The Monocle Guide To Hotels, Inns and Hideaways 

Monocle's latest book will tell you where to find a top hotel—and also how to design or run your own. Both inspirational and packed with insight, it will be a must-have guide for the globally minded...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    44,99 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Vertical Living, Gestalten Verlag, 2021
Vertical Living 

Mass urbanization. Population growth. All happening faster than we can build for. As global populations are projected to shift to 80-90% urban in the next 30 years, architects are faced with a growing challenge: how to accommodate all this growth...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    39,75 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

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  • Pocketbook
  • Kindle
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  • Pocketbook
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„Osud nechystá prekvapenia. Robí prípravy, dáva znamenia a vysiela aj zvedov, no len málokto má oči, ktoré to vidia, uši, ktoré to počujú, a um, ktorý to chápe.“

Štyri hostiny - Meir Shalev, 2012
Štyri hostiny
Meir Shalev