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Knihy o motivácii a sebarozvoji zo série Primer of Happiness

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Primer of Happiness - Pavel Hirax Baričák, HladoHlas, 2015
Primer of Happiness 

“Your soul yearns to be loved. By you.” In a simple form suitable for first-graders, this book explains the principles of self-acceptance, forgiveness, positive thinking, “letting go” of your parents, understanding illness, dissolving pain...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    24,99 €
    Do 11 – 16 dní
  • E-knihaEPUBMOBI
    14,90 €
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Primer of Happiness 3 - Pavel Hirax Baričák, HladoHlas, 2016
Primer of Happiness 3 

The third part of the Primer of happiness is not intended only for parents that are looking for a way, with what form to give their descendants the best, but also for souls that want to understand why there are fears in them, why they act the way they...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    23,82 €
    -5 %
    Do 11 – 16 dní
  • E-knihaEPUBMOBI
    14,90 €
    Ihneď na stiahnutie

Primer of Happiness: Self knowledge, connections, self change - Pavel Hirax Baričák, HladoHlas, 2015
Primer of Happiness: Self knowledge, connections, self change 

“Your soul yearns to be loved. By you.” Why a person attracts a “bad” partner? Why what you desire is not becoming true? How to speed up the intention? What is the reason of excessive apologizing and self blame? How to solve...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    23,99 €
    Do 11 – 16 dní
  • E-knihaEPUBMOBI
    14,90 €
    Ihneď na stiahnutie

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„Cesty vedú ďalej, ďalej, pod mračná, cez zrázne žľaby a po púti dlhej, smelej, domov zrazu mocne vábi.“

Hobit - J.R.R. Tolkien, 2012
J.R.R. Tolkien