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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024

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Surrounded by Idiots - Thomas Erikson, Ebury, 2019
Surrounded by Idiots 

Do you ever think you're the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague's abrasive manner get...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    13,95 €
    Na sklade > 5 ks

Fair Or Foul - Stefan Stern, Unbound, 2024
Fair Or Foul 

Many of us wrestle with daunting life-choice questions from time to time: what should I be aiming for? Am I being ambitious enough? Has an excess of ambition led me astray?...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    11,82 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

Job Therapy - Tessa West, Ebury, 2024
Job Therapy 

When we think about changing jobs, we turn to traditional career advice that focuses on skills, qualifications, and interviewing techniques. We tend to ask ourselves...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    18,88 €
    Na sklade 1 ks

Atomic Habits - James Clear, Cornerstone, 2018
Atomic Habits 

A revolutionary system to get 1 per cent better every day. People think when you want to change your life, you need to think big. But world-renowned habits expert James Clear has discovered another way...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    22,50 €
    Na sklade > 5 ks
  • Čítanámierne opotrebovaná
    14,63 €
    Na sklade

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Moudrost a zdravý rozum II. - Nepsaný životopis Vaše `skutečné` já, jak ho vidí ostatní - Pepper de Callier, Fortuna Libri ČR, 2012
Moudrost a zdravý rozum II. - Nepsaný životopis Vaše `skutečné` já, jak ho vidí ostatní 

Pepper se s vámi podělí o zkušenosti, které načerpal z vlastního života i z třicetileté práce s vedoucími pracovníky, státními úředníky a lidmi nejrůznějšího postavení a povolání, a přiměje vás k hlubokému zamyšlení nad životem...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    4,47 €
    -18 %
    Do 4 – 6 dní

The Pathway to Flow - Julia F. Christensen, Square Peg, 2024
The Pathway to Flow 

A new scientific 7-step process for achieving mindfulness and unlocking your creativity at will...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    18,88 €
    Do 3 – 6 dní

Moudrost a zdravý rozum - Pepper de Callier, Fortuna Libri ČR, 2010
Moudrost a zdravý rozum 

Kniha je dvoujazyčná, z jedné strany je český text, z druhé strany totéž v angličtině: Jak se stát svým koučem v životě i kariéře aneb Beying Your Own Career and Life Coach...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    5,57 €
    Do 4 – 6 dní

What It Takes To Heal - Prentis Hemphill, Cornerstone, 2024
What It Takes To Heal 

What would it do to movements, to our society and culture, to have the principles of healing at the very center? What does it mean to center healing in every structure and everything we create?...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    18,88 €
    -9 %
    Do 3 – 6 dní

How to Talk to Anyone - Leil Lowndes, HarperCollins, 1999
How to Talk to Anyone 

HarperCollins Publishers: 'Does what is says on the tin, with heaps of helpful tips for developing ease in social...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    12,95 €
    Na sklade > 5 ks

V is for Vulnerable - Seth Godin, Portfolio, 2012
V is for Vulnerable

V is for Vulnerable looks and feels like a classic picture book. But it's not for kids, it's for hardworking adults. It highlights twenty-six of Seth Godin's principles...

  • Knihapevná väzba
    17,11 €
    -5 %
    Do 22 – 27 dní
Reframing Stress (EN) 

Audiobook Reframing Stress written by Joakim Eriksson. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Ihneď na stiahnutie

Rehearsing For A Difficult Situation (EN) 

Audiobook Rehearsing For A Difficult Situation written by Joakim Eriksson. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Ihneď na stiahnutie

Seeing Similarities in Others (EN) 

Audiobook Seeing Similarities in Others written by Joakim Eriksson. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. In this p

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Ihneď na stiahnutie

Offering Kindness (EN) 

Audiobook Offering Kindness written by Joakim Eriksson. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. In this part of the s

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Ihneď na stiahnutie

Preparing for a Difficult Conversation (EN) 

Audiobook Preparing for a Difficult Conversation written by Joakim Eriksson. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Ihneď na stiahnutie

Building Resilience - Introduction (EN) 

Audiobook Building Resilience - Introduction of Motivation and Happiness written by Joakim Eriksson. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost yo

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Ihneď na stiahnutie

Connecting to the Bigger Picture (EN) 

Audiobook Connecting to the Bigger Picture written by Joakim Eriksson. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. This p

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Ihneď na stiahnutie

Get Things Done! 

Audiobook Get Things Done! contains summaries by 4minute books of the following titles: Work The System by Sam Carpenter, The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker, The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande, 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen R.

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,00 €
    Ihneď na stiahnutie

Become the True Leader 

Audiobook Become the True Leader contains summaries by 4minute books of the following titles: The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli, Spark by Angie Morgan, Courtney Lynch and Sean Lynch, The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John, C. Maxwell and

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,00 €
    Ihneď na stiahnutie

Discipline Is Destiny - Ryan Holiday, Profile Books, 2023
Discipline Is Destiny 

To master anything, we must first master ourselves: our emotions, thoughts and actions. This ancient virtue of self-control is more essential than ever...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    15,95 €
    Na sklade > 5 ks

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  • Pocketbook
  • Kindle
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  • Pocketbook
  • Kindle
  • Smartfón či tablet s príslušnou aplikáciou
  • Počítač s príslušnou aplikáciou

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„Tak prečo máme ustavične ambíciu milovať? Pretože láska je bod, kde sa stretáva pravda s mágiou.“

Roviny života - Julian Barnes, 2015
Roviny života
Julian Barnes