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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 41 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2023
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 41 

A hilarious tale of butlers, love and battles!Since the tender age of nine, Hayate Ayasaki has busted his behind at various part-time jobs to support his degenerate gambler parents...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    9,52 €
    -24 %
    Viac ako 30 dní

Hayate the Combat Butler 38 - Kenjiro Hata, Viz Media, 2021
Hayate the Combat Butler 38 

A hilarious tale of butlers, love and battles...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    13,06 €
    -5 %
    Viac ako 30 dní

Hayate the Combat Butler 40 - Kenjiro Hata, Viz Media, 2022
Hayate the Combat Butler 40 

A hilarious tale of butlers, love and battles! Since the tender age of nine, Hayate Ayasaki has busted his behind at various part-time jobs to support his degenerate gambler parents...

  • Knihabrožovaná väzba
    10,96 €
    -5 %
    Na sklade 1 ks

Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 8 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2009
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 8 

For reasons of no major concern or importance, butler-in-debt Hayate has to leave the Sanzenin mansion for a three-day, two-night trip. Though he has no particular place to go or reason to be there...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 31 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2018
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 31 

A hilarious tale of butlers, love and battles! Since the tender age of nine, Hayate Ayasaki has busted his behind at various part-time jobs to support his degenerate gambler parents...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 34 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2019
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 34 

A hilarious tale of butlers, love and battles! Since the tender age of nine, Hayate Ayasaki has busted his behind at various part-time jobs to support his degenerate gambler parents....

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 15 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2010
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 15 

While cleaning house, Hayate and Maria stumble upon a heretofore unmentioned, enormous jungle-themed sauna, and promptly get lost in it...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 2 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2008
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 2 

Hayate's new career as a live-in butler for the mega-moneyed Sanzenin family is in full swing, but this job requires more than just mental fortitude and brute strength - he needs to be entertaining too...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 32 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2018
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 32 

A hilarious tale of butlers, love and battles! Since the tender age of nine, Hayate Ayasaki has busted his behind at various part-time jobs to support his degenerate gambler parents...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 17 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2011
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 17 

By now Hayate's nigh-total awesomeness is a matter of public record. But how did he come to master the twin disciplines of housekeeping and martial arts? In the flashback to end all flashbacks...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 28 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2016
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 28 

Poor Hayate Ayasaki is responsible for repaying his parents' 150 million yen debt. One Christmas, he meets a girl named Nagi, and after a series of misunderstandings, he somehow ends up working as her butler. Nagi covers for Hayate's debt...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 14 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2010
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 14 

Nagi has done the one thing no one ever expected from the pampered heiress: gotten a job! But her first-ever day of work leaves her too exhausted to enjoy Sakuya's birthday party, an Osaka-style comedy spectacular where the birthday...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 20 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2012
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 20 

Poor Hayate Ayasaki is responsible for repaying his parents' 150 million yen debt. One Christmas, he meets a girl named Nagi, and after a series of misunderstandings, he somehow ends up working as her butler. Nagi covers for Hayate's debt...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 24 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2014
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 24 

Poor Hayate Ayasaki is responsible for repaying his parents' 150 million yen debt. One Christmas, he meets a girl named Nagi, and after a series of misunderstandings, he somehow ends up working as her butler...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 21 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2013
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 21 

Surf! Sun! Gratuitous bikini shots! Battle nuns! Vacationing in the Greek isles, Hayate and the gang find all this and more. While Hinagiku works up the nerve to confess her feelings, Hayate battles thieves...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 33 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2019
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 33 

A hilarious tale of butlers, love and battles! Since the tender age of nine, Hayate Ayasaki has busted his behind at various part-time jobs to support his degenerate gambler parents...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 18 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2011
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 18 

The cast gears up for the mother of all Golden Week vacations. Hayate sunning in the Mediterranean? Our hero's story truly is a classic tale of rags to... well, substantially less shoddy rags...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 26 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2015
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 26 

Poor Hayate Ayasaki is responsible for repaying his parents' 150 million yen debt. One Christmas, he meets a girl named Nagi, and after a series of misunderstandings, he somehow ends up working as her butler....

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 19 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2012
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 19 

Poor Hayate Ayasaki is responsible for repaying his parents' 150 million yen debt. One Christmas, he meets a girl named Nagi, and after a series of misunderstandings...

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Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 10 - Kendžiro Hata, Viz Media, 2010
Hayate the Combat Butler, Vol. 10 

Final exams are close at hand and Hayate can no longer afford to ignore his studies, but if he's hitting the books, who will keep the Sanzenin mansion spick and span? Anticipating just such an occasion...

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„Svet, v ktorom sa číta, je tým najlepším možným. Čítanie kníh a debaty o nich sú tou najpríjemnejšou formou cibrenia mysle, na akú som vo svojom doterajšom živote natrafila. A jedným z najúčinnejších spôsobov, ako meniť svoj svet k lepšiemu. “

Do plaviek - Eva Borušovičová, 2018
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Eva Borušovičová