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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024

Audioknihy knihy zo série Hercule Poirot (Audio)

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Murder in Mesopotamia 

Crime sleuth Hercule Poirot returns in a thrilling BBC radio dramatization. Amy Leatheran has never felt the lure of the mysterious East, but when she travels to an ancient site deep in the Iraqi desert to nurse the wife of a ...

Elephants Can Remember 

Following an otherwise-enjoyable literary luncheon, the celebrated crime novelist Ariadne Oliver is accosted by a particularly formidable woman who engages her in conversation about one of her many god-daughters, ...

Lord Edgware Dies 

Monsieur Poirot, somehow or other I've just got to get rid of my husband!' No sooner had she uttered the words than Lady Edgware's husband was dead, brutally stabbed in the neck. The evidence against her is overwhelming, the case cut and dried...

After the Funeral 

BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatisation starring John Moffatt as the great Belgian detective. When Richard Abernethie, last master of Enderby Hall, dies suddenly in his sleep, the family are eager to discover how hiw riches have been divided...

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The Mystery of the Blue Train 

A millionaire strikes a deal on the seedier side of Paris and a priceless cache of rubies becomes destined for his beloved daughter Rachel. Two days later Rachel is dead - murdered on a train on her way to the Riviera to meet ...

Peril at End House 

A BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatisation starring John Moffatt as the great Belgian detective. Hercule Poirot and his good friend Captain Hastings are enjoying a well-deserved break on the Cornish Riviera, ...

The Mysterious Affair at Styles 

This is the very first Poirot/Hastings story. Set in 1916, we meet Captain Hastings as he is invalided out of the Great War and goes to convalesce at Styles Court, the family home of his great friend, John Cavendish...

Murder on the Links 

A BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatization starring John Moffatt as Hercule Poirot. When Poirot arrives in France, following an urgent appeal for help, he finds he is too late...

Sad Cypress 

Elinor Carlisle and Roddy Welman are the model English couple, perfect companions set for a life of ease when they inherit Aunt Laura's considerable fortune. But a poison pen letter begins a chain of events which is to end in tragedy...

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Roviny života - Julian Barnes, 2015
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Julian Barnes