Psychológia tajomstiev - Andrew Gold, Tatran, 2025

Audioknihy knihy od autora Cupido And Others

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When He and She met Her (EN) 

Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids. This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories

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The wedding (EN) 

Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids. This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories

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    5,99 €
    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

The maid (EN) 

Stories about a dominant woman or man, a couple or strangers exploring the boundaries of their sexuality with role play, BDSM, swinging or orgies shrouded in sexy mystery. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

Make love (EN) 

There’s nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves crashing against the beach, the wind caressing your chest, the water touching your sex. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories: "

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
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Nenašli ste titul, ktorý ste hľadali?

Napíšte nám a my sa ho pokúsime zohnať

Jonsvatnet (EN) 

There’s nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves lapping against the beach, the wind caressing your chest, the water touching your sex. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories: "T

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

A Journey for Two (EN) 

There’s nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves crashing against the beach, the wind caressing your chest, the water touching your sex. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories: "

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

In the Middle of the Fjord in July (EN) 

Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number, whether they are bored at home or enjoying a weekend away from work, home, and the kids. CUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing eroti

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
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    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

Holiday Heaven (EN) 

Stories about a dominant woman or man, a couple or strangers exploring the boundaries of their sexuality with role play, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies shrouded in sexy mystery. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

Wet in the Swimming Pool (EN) 

The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and the teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. Th

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

My Big Surprise (EN) 

Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some people have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids by the time the thought of a girl friend suddenly makes their nipples erect, or the touch of

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

Deep and Dirty with the Ex-Mother-in-Law (EN) 

The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and the teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. Th

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

The Stranger on the Night Train (EN) 

The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and the teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. Th

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

The Architect, Me and the Bartender (EN) 

The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, Me, and a Friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

A Sexy Package (EN) 

Sexy spice for established partners at home, in day-to-day life and escaping from work, house and kids. This is a collection of erotic stories from Cupido. This collection includes the following stories: "He is doing some cleaning when he finds it, cove

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Two and Two are Four (EN) 

The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, Me, and a Friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
    5,99 €
    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

Hands and feet (EN) 

Stories about a dominant woman or man, a couple or strangers exploring the boundaries of their sexuality with role play, BDSM, swinging or orgies shrouded in sexy mystery. "They have booked a room at the Plaza. She’s brought silk ribbons with her

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
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Summer in the Kayak (EN) 

There’s nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves crashing against the beach, the wind caressing your breast, the feeling of water against your sex. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
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Three Happy People (EN) 

Take a break from day-to-day life, work, chores, and the kids with this sexy little number. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories: "She just couldn’t let go of her fantasy about bei

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
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As Usual (EN) 

Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids. "His wife smelled of aftershave and had bite marks on her breasts. He circled her, taking her in. " - As

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
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    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

In the Park (EN) 

Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some have never questioned whether they’re gay. Others are in a straight marriage with kids by the time the thought of their best friend suddenly makes their nipples erect, or the touch

  • AudioknihaMP3 na stiahnutie
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    Máte čítačku, tablet alebo mobil? Stiahnite si do nich e-knihu: budete ju mať hneď a ešte aj ušetríte život stromom. Viac informácii o e-knihách nájdete tu.

Prečítate na zariadeniach:

  • Pocketbook
  • Kindle
  • Smartfón či tablet s príslušnou aplikáciou
  • Počítač s príslušnou aplikáciou

Nie je možné meniť veľkosť písma, formát je preto vhodný skôr pre väčšie obrazovky.

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Prečítate na zariadeniach:

  • Pocketbook
  • Kindle
  • Smartfón či tablet s príslušnou aplikáciou
  • Počítač s príslušnou aplikáciou

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  • Kindle
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„Musí existovať vedecký odôvodnená súvislosť medzi pôvabom človeka a jeho nezmyselným správaním. “

Krásny omyl - Vi Keeland, 2019
Krásny omyl
  • Vi Keeland