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Kníhkupectvo na konci sveta - Ruth Shaw, Ikar, 2024
Smrť v Cornwalle - Daniel Silva, Slovenský spisovateľ, 2024

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Vetřelci (kniha první) - Mark Verheiden a kol., BB/art, 2009
Vetřelci (kniha první) 

Čekali jsme, že až narazíme na mimozemskou civilizaci, bude mnohem vyvinutější než my. Možná nám pomůže ve vývoji, možná nás zotročí… ale rozhodně jsme nečekali, že nás prostě jen bude chtít sežrat...

Predator: The Original Years Omnibus - Ron Randall, Mark Verheiden, Mark Bright (Ilustrátor), Marvel, 2022
Predator: The Original Years Omnibus 

The hunt begins! As the Predators make their Marvel debut, experience their original comics legacy! Nowhere is safe when the remorseless alien killers stalk the concrete jungle of New York City, leave a trail of death across the American Southwest...

Aliens Epic Collection: The Original Years 1 - Mark A. Nelson (ilustrátor), Den Beauvais (ilustrátor), Mark Verheiden, Marvel, 2023
Aliens Epic Collection: The Original Years 1 

Years after the first two Aliens films, a Xenomorph attack in space leads the Colonial Marines to take action. Soon, the badly scarred Hicks and the now-grown Newt find themselves swept up in a dangerous mission to locate and destroy...

Aliens Omnibus Vol. 1 - Mark Verheiden, Mike Richardson, John Arcudi, Jerry Prosser, Steve Bissette, Marvel, 2021
Aliens Omnibus Vol. 1 

As Marvel prepares for a xenomorph invasion, rediscover the comic book legacy of ALIENS! Familiar faces star in tales that expand on the movie mythos! As Hicks and Newt undertake a deadly mission to find and destroy the creatures' homeworld...

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Aliens - Mark Verheiden, Mark A. Nelson (ilustrácie), Dark Horse, 2016

In 1986, James Cameron's Aliens brought to theaters the horrors of a new kind of war against a terrifying enemy. Two years later, Dark Horse Comics released a direct follow-up to the events in the film. Years before any talk of a film sequel, ...

Predator (Volume 1) - Mark Verheiden, Dark Horse, 2018
Predator (Volume 1) 

The essential introduction to Predator in the comics! Brutal, invisible, nearly unstoppable. He is the hunter from the stars . . . the Predator. They seek the strongest, the most dangerous game—good or evil. They come in the hottest years (unless they cr

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„Okrem toho, podobne ako konzervované mäso, aj svet uchovaný v knižkách bol akýsi bohatší a zaujímavejší než každodenná realita. “

Pomaľované vtáča - Jerzy Kosinski, 2019
Pomaľované vtáča
  • Jerzy Kosinski