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Demon Copperhead - Barbara Kingsolver, Motýľ, 2024
Vianočný - Lucia Olrinková, Marenčin PT, 2024

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Humans of New York: Stories - Brandon Stanton, Pan Macmillan, 2015
Humans of New York: Stories 

In the summer of 2010, photographer Brandon Stanton began an ambitious project -to single-handedly create a photographic census of New York City. The photos he took and the accompanying interviews became the blog Humans of New York...

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    29,58 €
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    19,17 €
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Humans of New York - Brandon Stanton, St. Martin´s Press, 2013
Humans of New York - Brandon Stanton, Folio, 2015
Humans of New York 

Now an instant #1 New York Times bestseller, Humans of New York began in the summer of 2010, when photographer Brandon Stanton set out to create a photographic census of New York City...

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    37,83 €
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  • Čítanávýborný stav
    27,79 €
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Humans - Brandon Stanton, MacMillan, 2020

Brandon Stanton’s Humans is a book that connects readers as global citizens at a time when erecting more borders is the order of the day. It shows us the entire world, one story at a time...

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    27,99 €
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Tanqueray - Brandon Stanton, MacMillan, 2022

The storytelling phenomenon Humans of New York and its bestselling books have captivated a global audience of millions with personal narratives that illuminate the human condition. But one story stands apart from the rest . .. She is a woman as fabulous,

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    31,17 €
    Viac ako 30 dní

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Little Humans - Brandon Stanton, Pan Macmillan, 2015
Little Humans 

When Brandon Stanton started a photography project in 2010 to capture the extraordinary in everyday New Yorkers, he didn't realize it would take off almost overnight...

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Malý strom - Forrest Carter, 2016
Malý strom
  • Forrest Carter