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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls (Gift Box Set) - Elena Favilli, Francesca Cavallo, Particular Books, 2017

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Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls (Gift Box Set) - Elena Favilli, Francesca Cavallo, Particular Books, 2017
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls (Gift Box Set) - Elena Favilli, Francesca Cavallo, Particular Books, 2017

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls (Gift Box Set)

From the creators of the New York Times Best Seller and crowdfunding sensation "Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls" comes a beautiful Gift Box containing 200 stories that... Čítať viac

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls
Particular Books, 2017
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From the creators of the New York Times Best Seller and crowdfunding sensation "Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls" comes a beautiful Gift Box containing 200 stories that inspire girls to dream big. "Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls" ... Čítať viac

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From the creators of the New York Times Best Seller and crowdfunding sensation "Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls" comes a beautiful Gift Box containing 200 stories that inspire girls to dream big. "Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls" reinvents fairy tales with a collection of bedtime stories about the life of extraordinary women, from Nefertiti to Beyoncé. The unique narrative style of "Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls" transforms each biography into a fairy-tale, filling the readers with wonder and with a burning curiosity to know more about each hero. Each Gift Box Set contains both "Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls" and "Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 2" included in a beautiful slipcase, shrink-wrapped to ensure scuff-free arrival. Illustrated by 70 female artists from all over the world, the books contained in the Gift Box are hardcover, with an extra smooth matte scuff-free lamination, 100lbs beautiful paper, a double satin bookmark and an extraordinary print quality with soy and vegetable based inks, "Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls" will inspire your entire family to dream bigger, aim higher and fight harder!
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pevná väzba
187×255 mm
1787 g
Rok vydania
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls
Particular Books

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„Obyčajné a jednoduché veci sa vravia potichu.“

Medzerový plod - Veronika Šikulová, 2014
Medzerový plod
Veronika Šikulová