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The Raqqa Diaries - Samer, Hutchinson, 2017

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The Raqqa Diaries - Samer, Hutchinson, 2017
The Raqqa Diaries - Samer, Hutchinson, 2017

The Raqqa Diaries

Escape from Islamic State

Since ISIS occupied Raqqa in eastern Syria, it has become one of the most isolated and fear-ridden cities on earth. The sale of televisions has been banned, wearing trousers the... Čítať viac

3,8 30 hodnotení
Hutchinson, 2017
108 strán
2-3 hodiny čítania

Since ISIS occupied Raqqa in eastern Syria, it has become one of the most isolated and fear-ridden cities on earth. The sale of televisions has been banned, wearing trousers the wrong length is ... Čítať viac

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  • Angličtina

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Since ISIS occupied Raqqa in eastern Syria, it has become one of the most isolated and fear-ridden cities on earth. The sale of televisions has been banned, wearing trousers the wrong length is a punishable offence, and using a mobile phone is considered an unforgivable crime. No journalists are allowed in and the penalty for speaking to the western media is death by beheading. Despite this, after several months of nervy and often interrupted conversations, the BBC was able to make contact with a small activist group, Al-Sharqiya 24. Finally, courageously, one of their members agreed to write a personal diary about his experiences. Having seen friends and relatives butchered, his community's life shattered and the local economy ruined by these hate-fuelled extremists, Samer is fighting back in the only way he can: by telling the world what is happening to his beloved city. This is Samer's story.
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Naše katalógové číslo
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pevná väzba
138×206 mm
383 g
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30 hodnotení

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Medzerový plod
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