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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Valuation - McKinsey & Company Inc., Tim Koller, Marc Goedhart, David Wessels, John Wiley & Sons, 2020

92,99 €

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Valuation - McKinsey & Company Inc., Tim Koller, Marc Goedhart, David Wessels, John Wiley & Sons, 2020
Valuation - McKinsey & Company Inc., Tim Koller, Marc Goedhart, David Wessels, John Wiley & Sons, 2020


Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies

McKinsey & Company's #1 best-selling guide to corporate valuation-the fully updated seventh edition Valuation has been the foremost resource for measuring company value for... Čítať viac

John Wiley & Sons, 2020
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McKinsey & Company's #1 best-selling guide to corporate valuation-the fully updated seventh edition Valuation has been the foremost resource for measuring company value for nearly three decades... Čítať viac

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Valuation - McKinsey & Company Inc., Tim Koller, Marc Goedhart, David Wessels, John Wiley & Sons, 2020
92,99 €

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McKinsey & Company's #1 best-selling guide to corporate valuation-the fully updated seventh edition

Valuation has been the foremost resource for measuring company value for nearly three decades. Now in its seventh edition, this acclaimed volume continues to help financial professionals around the world gain a deep understanding of valuation and help their companies create, manage, and maximize economic value for their shareholders.

This latest edition has been carefully revised and updated throughout, and includes new insights on topics such as digital, ESG (environmental, social and governance), and long-term investing, as well as fresh case studies.

Clear, accessible chapters cover the fundamental principles of value creation, analyzing and forecasting performance, capital structure and dividends, valuing high-growth companies, and much more. The Financial Times calls the book "one of the practitioners' best guides to valuation."

This book:

Provides complete, detailed guidance on every crucial aspect of corporate valuation
Explains the strategies, techniques, and nuances of valuation every manager needs to know
Covers both core and advanced valuation techniques and management strategies
Features/Includes a companion website that covers key issues in valuation, including videos, discussions of trending topics, and real-world valuation examples from the capital markets

For over 90 years, McKinsey & Company has helped corporations and organizations make substantial and lasting improvements in their performance. Through seven editions and 30 years, Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, has served as the definitive reference for finance professionals, including investment bankers, financial analysts, CFOs and corporate managers, venture capitalists, and students and instructors in all areas of finance.
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Naše katalógové číslo
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pevná väzba
183×261 mm
1700 g
Rok vydania
John Wiley & Sons

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Do plaviek - Eva Borušovičová, 2018
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Eva Borušovičová