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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
The Sound of Silence - Katrina Goldsaito, Little, Brown, 2016

15,20 €

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The Sound of Silence - Katrina Goldsaito, Little, Brown, 2016
The Sound of Silence - Katrina Goldsaito, Little, Brown, 2016

The Sound of Silence

But Yoshio lives in Tokyo, Japan: a giant, noisy, busy city. He hears shoes squishing through puddles, trains whooshing, cars beeping, and families laughing. Tokyo is like a... Čítať viac

Little, Brown, 2016
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But Yoshio lives in Tokyo, Japan: a giant, noisy, busy city. He hears shoes squishing through puddles, trains whooshing, cars beeping, and families laughing. Tokyo is like a symphony hall! Where is silence? ... Čítať viac

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The Sound of Silence - Katrina Goldsaito, Little, Brown, 2016
15,20 €

Viac o knihe

But Yoshio lives in Tokyo, Japan: a giant, noisy, busy city. He hears shoes squishing through puddles, trains whooshing, cars beeping, and families laughing. Tokyo is like a symphony hall! Where is silence? Join Yoshio on his journey through the hustle and bustle of the city to find the most beautiful sound of all.
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brožovaná väzba
287×224 mm
457 g
Rok vydania
Little, Brown

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Kúpte spolu
The Sound of Silence - Katrina Goldsaito, Little, Brown, 2016
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Parts I & II) - J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany, Little, Brown, 2016
41,26 €


Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

Kúpte spolu
The Sound of Silence - Katrina Goldsaito, Little, Brown, 2016
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Parts I & II) - J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany, Little, Brown, 2016
41,26 €

„Nikdy som nestratil zo zreteľa, čo znamená byť civilizovaný človek. Vedel som, že prežitie by nemalo zmysel, keby som sa musel stať podliakom...Viete, jedlo na prežitie nestačí. Neexistuje liek na morálne zásady. Ak ich človek stratí, príde aj o seba.“