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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
24 Penguins Before Christmas, Harry Abrams, 2008

9,48 €

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24 Penguins Before Christmas, Harry Abrams, 2008
24 Penguins Before Christmas, Harry Abrams, 2008

24 Penguins Before Christmas

A 365 Penguins Advent Calendar

    Based on Abrams' bestselling book 365 Penguins, this charming diptych-style pop-up advent calendar features the house and family from the story. Behind each of the twenty-four... Čítať viac

    Harry Abrams, 2008
    4 strán
    4 minút čítania

    Based on Abrams' bestselling book 365 Penguins, this charming diptych-style pop-up advent calendar features the house and family from the story. Behind each of the twenty-four die-cut windows readers will find one, two, three, or even more penguins... Čítať viac

    • Kniha
    • Angličtina

    9,48 €

    -5 %
    Pôvodná cena 9,95 €
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    Dodanie môže trvať viac ako 30 dní

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    24 Penguins Before Christmas, Harry Abrams, 2008
    9,48 €

    Viac o knihe

    Based on Abrams' bestselling book 365 Penguins, this charming diptych-style pop-up advent calendar features the house and family from the story. Behind each of the twenty-four die-cut windows readers will find one, two, three, or even more penguins. A miniature book giving door-by-door explanations, all in silly rhyme, is included. This delightful and reusable calendar promises to be a holiday favorite for years to come.
    Čítať viac
    Naše katalógové číslo
    Počet strán
    280×360 mm
    340 g
    Rok vydania
    Harry Abrams

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    Kúpte spolu
    24 Penguins Before Christmas, Harry Abrams, 2008
    Slovenský rok - Katarína Nádaská, Fortuna Libri, 2012
    49,38 €


    Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

    Kúpte spolu
    24 Penguins Before Christmas, Harry Abrams, 2008
    Slovenský rok - Katarína Nádaská, Fortuna Libri, 2012
    49,38 €

    „Tak prečo máme ustavične ambíciu milovať? Pretože láska je bod, kde sa stretáva pravda s mágiou.“

    Roviny života - Julian Barnes, 2015
    Roviny života
    Julian Barnes