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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Life Lessons from Remarkable Women, Penguin Books, 2018

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Life Lessons from Remarkable Women, Penguin Books, 2018
Life Lessons from Remarkable Women, Penguin Books, 2018

Life Lessons from Remarkable Women

Tales of Triumph, Failure and Learning to Love Yourself

    If you could share one lesson from your life with every woman, what would it be? Stylist magazine has asked that question of remarkable women from the worlds of entertainment,... Čítať viac

    Penguin Books, 2018
    Počet strán

    If you could share one lesson from your life with every woman, what would it be? Stylist magazine has asked that question of remarkable women from the worlds of entertainment, politics, sport and fashion. With honesty, wit and a serious no-BS attitude, .. Čítať viac

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    12,50 €

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    Life Lessons from Remarkable Women, Penguin Books, 2018
    12,50 €

    Viac o knihe

    If you could share one lesson from your life with every woman, what would it be? Stylist magazine has asked that question of remarkable women from the worlds of entertainment, politics, sport and fashion. With honesty, wit and a serious no-BS attitude, their lessons address the challenges every woman faces today, from climbing the career ladder and finding inner fulfilment, to forging authentic relationships and overcoming life's setbacks.Each of these impressive women, including actress Romola Garai and comedian Francesca Martinez, has a tale to tell and an experience to share. Empowering, engaging and unapologetically impassioned, their incisive observations will make you think, reflect - and kick serious ass. These are life lessons for women, by women.
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    Naše katalógové číslo
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    pevná väzba
    120×178 mm
    297 g
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    Penguin Books

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    Life Lessons from Remarkable Women, Penguin Books, 2018
    Milk and Honey - Rupi Kaur, Andrews McMeel, 2015
    26,45 €


    Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

    Kúpte spolu
    Life Lessons from Remarkable Women, Penguin Books, 2018
    Milk and Honey - Rupi Kaur, Andrews McMeel, 2015
    26,45 €

    „Tak prečo máme ustavične ambíciu milovať? Pretože láska je bod, kde sa stretáva pravda s mágiou.“

    Roviny života - Julian Barnes, 2015
    Roviny života
    Julian Barnes