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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
You deserve this: Simple & Natural Recipes For A Healthy Lifestyle - Pamela Reif, CE Community, 2020

22,44 €

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You deserve this: Simple & Natural Recipes For A Healthy Lifestyle

Bowl Cookbook

YOU DESERVE THIS - Healthy, balanced and delicious bowl recipes by fitness icon Pamela Reif. Your body and soul deserve a healthy, natural diet every single day. But this... Čítať viac

CE Community, 2020
Počet strán

YOU DESERVE THIS - Healthy, balanced and delicious bowl recipes by fitness icon Pamela Reif. Your body and soul deserve a healthy, natural diet every single day. But this doesn't mean you need to sacrifice taste. Whether you choose a sweet... Čítať viac

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  • Angličtina

22,44 €

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You deserve this: Simple & Natural Recipes For A Healthy Lifestyle - Pamela Reif, CE Community, 2020
22,44 €

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YOU DESERVE THIS - Healthy, balanced and delicious bowl recipes by fitness icon Pamela Reif. Your body and soul deserve a healthy, natural diet every single day. But this doesn't mean you need to sacrifice taste. Whether you choose a sweet Apple Pie Smoothie Bowl, hearty Spinach-Chickpea Patties, colourful Buddha Bowls packed with plant-based proteins, or a Brownie Bowl for dessert, you can enjoy guilt-free indulgence.

Pamela Reif's simple, wholesome dishes are based on natural ingredients and can be created in a few easy steps without spending hours in the kitchen. The meals are made and enjoyed straight from the bowl, which captures their delicious, fresh flavours. And most of the recipes are vegan.

More than 70 recipes are personally created, prepared and photographed by Pamela Reif. Combined with her nutritional advice, you have the ideal starting point to change your own diet and lifestyle simply and enjoyably - for a well-balanced life. Because: You deserve this!
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185×247 mm
837 g
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CE Community

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Lenka Čecháková
Overený nákup
Kuchárska výzva pre nadšencov zdravej stravy
Autorku poznám z jej video cvičení (ktoré sú naozaj účinné). Rovnako zodpovedne, ako zostavuje svoje cvičenia, tak s tou istou dávkou perfekcionizmu zostavila aj tieto recepty. Poteší aj úvod, kde rozoberá zdravotný úžitok surovín, z ktorých varí pre naše telo aj dušu. Bonusom pre mňa bolo, že je kniha v angličtine, čiže okrem tréningu kuchárskych zručností trénujete aj angličtinu. Čítať viac

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Môj dedko je čerešňa - Angela Nanetti, 2007
Môj dedko je čerešňa
Angela Nanetti