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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Playful Data - Wang Shaoqiang, Promopress, 2018

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Playful Data - Wang Shaoqiang, Promopress, 2018
Playful Data - Wang Shaoqiang, Promopress, 2018

Playful Data

Graphic Design and Illustration for Infographics

Ever been tired of reading and digesting a bunch of tedious numbers or words on a list, form, or bar chart? Playful Data will save you from this chronic headache by featuring... Čítať viac

Promopress, 2018
Počet strán

Ever been tired of reading and digesting a bunch of tedious numbers or words on a list, form, or bar chart? Playful Data will save you from this chronic headache by featuring some of the most brilliant, playful, illustration-based infographic projects fro Čítať viac

  • Pevná väzba
  • Angličtina

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Playful Data: Graphic Design and Illustration for Infographics features brilliant and illustrative infographic projects from gifted graphic designers, illustrators, artists, and even scientists. Not only do they visualize data in a tangible and memorable way through playful illustrations, but they also provide us with inspiration for balancing colors, words, and images, as well as for distinguishing between primary and secondary information when data is presented alongside pictures. The projects revealed in this volume are divided into three main categories: statistical findings, flow diagrams, and instruction and explanation. Some of the projects illustrate data acquired from rigorous and precise scientific research, while others are the product of designers imagination and experimentation. It's time to learn to play with data!
Čítať viac
Naše katalógové číslo
Počet strán
pevná väzba
216×292 mm
1391 g
Rok vydania

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Máte o knihe viac informácií ako je na tejto stránke alebo ste našli chybu? Budeme vám veľmi vďační, ak nám pomôžete s doplnením informácií na našich stránkach.


Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

„Svet, v ktorom sa číta, je tým najlepším možným. Čítanie kníh a debaty o nich sú tou najpríjemnejšou formou cibrenia mysle, na akú som vo svojom doterajšom živote natrafila. A jedným z najúčinnejších spôsobov, ako meniť svoj svet k lepšiemu. “

Do plaviek - Eva Borušovičová, 2018
Do plaviek
Eva Borušovičová