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Cleopatra a Frankenstein - Coco Mellors, Literárna bašta, 2024
Graphic Design - Stephen J. Eskilson, Laurence King Publishing, 2019

49,08 €

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Graphic Design - Stephen J. Eskilson, Laurence King Publishing, 2019
Graphic Design - Stephen J. Eskilson, Laurence King Publishing, 2019

Graphic Design

A History

For the third edition of Graphic Design Stephen Eskilson has, with the aid of 540 new and existing images, updated key parts of the book. Most notably he has expanded the... Čítať viac

Laurence King Publishing, 2019
Počet strán

For the third edition of Graphic Design Stephen Eskilson has, with the aid of 540 new and existing images, updated key parts of the book. Most notably he has expanded the introduction to begin with the origins of writing and added ... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

49,08 €

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Pôvodná cena 51,50 €
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Graphic Design - Stephen J. Eskilson, Laurence King Publishing, 2019
49,08 €

Viac o knihe

For the third edition of Graphic Design Stephen Eskilson has, with the aid of 540 new and existing images, updated key parts of the book. Most notably he has expanded the introduction to begin with the origins of writing and added a new chapter 11 that investigates current trends in digital design. Organized chronologically, the book traces the impact of politics, economics, war, nationalism, colonialism, gender and art on graphic designers working in print and film and with the latest web, multimedia and emerging digital technologies.
Čítať viac
Naše katalógové číslo
Počet strán
brožovaná väzba
228×296 mm
1803 g
Rok vydania
Laurence King Publishing

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Kúpte spolu
Graphic Design - Stephen J. Eskilson, Laurence King Publishing, 2019
History of Graphic Design, 1890-1959 - Jens, Taschen, 2017
109,27 €


Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

Kúpte spolu
Graphic Design - Stephen J. Eskilson, Laurence King Publishing, 2019
History of Graphic Design, 1890-1959 - Jens, Taschen, 2017
109,27 €

„Svet, v ktorom sa číta, je tým najlepším možným. Čítanie kníh a debaty o nich sú tou najpríjemnejšou formou cibrenia mysle, na akú som vo svojom doterajšom živote natrafila. A jedným z najúčinnejších spôsobov, ako meniť svoj svet k lepšiemu. “

Do plaviek - Eva Borušovičová, 2018
Do plaviek
Eva Borušovičová