Dejte svým obrázkům 3D rozměr. Iluze nepatří jen iluzionistům, i vy se můžete naučit ošálit někomu zrak, a to jen pomocí tužky a štětce. Světově uznávaný 3D umělec Stefan Pabst vás ve své knize Naučte se kreslit 3D...
Kresliarske techniky
Naučte sa kresliť krajinky, ľudí, zátišia a iné námety ceruzkou, …
Ikar, 2018
Naučte sa kresliť zložité námety obyčajnou ceruzkou. Experimentujte s miešaním farieb a vytváraním textúr pastelmi. Osvojte si techniky s rozmanitými médiami, napríklad tonálnu kresbu uhlíkom... Chcete sa naučiť jednoducho skicovať ale
Jedna ze základních publikací z edice "Jak na to". Kniha je zaměřena na studium kresby lidské hlavy a umění portrétu.
Krajinomalba olejem v dějinách a příkladech...
Další z řady výtvarných příruček řady Jak na to od José M. Parramóna s podrobným popisem kresby lidského těla.
Univerzální principy designu
125 způsobů jak zvýšit použitelnost a přitažlivost a ovlivnit …
Ať už vedete marketingovou kampaň, tvoříte videohru či rozhraní webu nebo třeba připravujete muzejní expozici, potřebujete univerzální vodítka, díky kterým vaše dílo publikum zaujme a usnadní mu jeho používání...
Ako kresliť portréty mužov, žien, detí a skupín uhlíkom, ceruzkou, kriedou a pastelom.
After about 40 years in the field of drawing and painting through publication of the Leonardo Collection, we have decided to utilize our vast experience by issuing...
This wide-ranging overview of the principles of decoration presents examples of geometrical patterns and decorative motifs based on stylized natural shapes...
This small painting manual contains a remarkable wealth of content. It is a concentrate of examples and extremely useful guidelines presented in a clear and...
A city scene, a little old village, and a cluster of rural buildings are just some of the subjects in this full-color collection of architectural scenes. The various techniques...
This first volume presents the fundamental concepts required to start drawing: lines-shape, foreground-background, positive-negative, balance-imbalance, tension, form...
The logical follow-up to the second volume in the series, this manual looks at the human form in detail: the hands, the feet, the face and expressions, the nose...
The numerous works presented here are by different artists and show models in various poses painted in oils. A good deal of space is also given over to...
This extensive collection of male and female nudes focuses on the anatomical structure of each pose. Many of the works here have been done in ballpoint pen...
The color pages of this volume are dedicated entirely to nudes painted in oils, while the black-and-white section presents a set of pencil and...
Here the nude figure is portrayed using a variety of different techniques: watercolors, chalks and oils. The black-and-white section presents an outline of anatomy...
Numerous pictures of ballet dancers in classic dance positions are presented here. The paintings display a wide range of techniques, though special attention...
This collection of portraits deals with characteristic faces, full of expression. The pictures presented in the volume employ a variety of painting techniques.
Here the focus is on realistic comic strips and cartoons, including the creation of a full strip. Examples of full illustrations by various artists are included, with a range of...
A variety of painting techniques are presented in this second volume devoted to portraits, while the introduction examines lighting and the effect it can have...
This colorful collection of landscapes painted in oils also has a large section presenting sketches done using red chalk ('sanguine').
This volume presents a complete guide to human anatomy from an artistic point of view. A small but indispensable handbook for any beginner, it can also be...
Prekrásne zdobený notes ponúka 72 ilustrácií, ktoré čakajú len na to, aby sa s nimi vyhrala vaša fantázia. Čarokrásny svet rastlín a zvierat Johanny Basfordovej inšpiruje nadšencov po celom svete....
A complete course, packed with instruction and profusely illustrated. This fantastic book is all you need if you want to start drawing the figure, or if you want to develop your life drawing skills. It is the ultimate reference book, ...