Drei tschechische Märchen. Sie haben einen romantischen Blick auf die Welt und der menschlichen Beziehungen. Illustriert von Pavel Čech.
1,99 €Ihneď na stiahnutie
The impressive story of Canadian police officer in the background of relations with the Russian mafia is debut of the Czech writer living in Canada in the English language. The story includes everything the right thriller should have...
7,95 €Ihneď na stiahnutie
Beatiful poetry of the genius from Czech Republic, one of the greatest poets of 20th century. Anthology from translations of Ewald Osers.
5,20 €Ihneď na stiahnutie
This book describes fascinating natural landscapes of south Moravia and river Dyje (the area partially protected by UNESCO). It talks about people and yearly events in the region. The stories are characteristic of its poetics, style and beautiful...
4,95 €Ihneď na stiahnutie
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Récit lyrique poétique. Célébration Originale de la région et des habitants autour du mont magique "Palava" (Région Moravie, République tchèque). Parabole sur la cohabitation de l'humain avec n'importe quel paysage au monde.
4,95 €Ihneď na stiahnutie
Poetic lyrischen Geschichte. Eine faszinierende Reise der Region und die Menschen um den Berg Pálava (Südmähren, Tschechische Republik). Gleichnis vom Zusammenleben von Menschen mit irgendeiner Landschaften der Welt.
4,95 €Ihneď na stiahnutie
Trips out of Civilization is comprised of five original thrillers, all packed with action, sudden twists and psychological revelations. "The Crossbow" takes place in the Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario, far away from tourists...
5,95 €Ihneď na stiahnutie
Sonya Jány inspired me to the extent that I dared reaching for the poetry of Jan Skácel (1922-1989; Czech poet). And she helped me to learn poems by Milan Rúfus (1928-2009; Slovak poet). I felt bewitched in much the same way as by the works of Skácel.
4,95 €Ihneď na stiahnutie
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