Knihy o financiách, investovaní a bankovníctve od autora Robert T. Kiyosaki
Tato kniha by měla být povinnou četbou pro finanční plánovače nebo kohokoliv, kdo se zajímá o to, jak se stát finančně nezávislým. Je to jedinečný úvod do psychologie tvoření bohatství...
Knihapevná väzba21,12 €Na sklade > 5 ks
15,41 €Predaj skončil
Robert Kiyosaki poskytuje svoj pohľad na globálnu ekonomiku a zaoberá sa dôvodmi, prečo toto búrlivé obdobie predstavuje pre ľudí takú výzvu. Ponúka riešenie finančných problémov a vysvetľuje, čo je hlavná príčina terajšieho ekonomického chaosu a ako...
Čítanávýborný stav10,90 €Na sklade
Bohatý otec, chudobný otec vyvracia mýtus, že vysoké príjmy z vás spravia boháča, spochybňuje predstavu o dome ako o majetkovej hodnote, ukazuje rodičom, prečo sa nemôžu spoliehať na to, že ich deti sa v škole naučia narábať s peniazmi, raz a navždy...
Čítanámierne opotrebovaná10,99 €Na sklade
Rich Dad's Guide to Investing is a roadmap for those who want to become successful investors and invest in the types of assets that the rich do. Whether your goal is to become financially secure...
Knihabrožovaná väzba9,99 €Viac ako 30 dní
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Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? In the sequel to Rich Dad Poor Dad, learn how the role you play in the business world affects your ability to become financially free. There are four types of people who make up the world of business...
Knihabrožovaná väzba20,87 €-5 %Do 13 – 18 dní
Personal finance author and lecturer Robert T. Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective from two very different influences - his two fathers. This text lays out Kiyosaki's philosophy and his relationship with money.
Knihabrožovaná väzba14,95 €Viac ako 30 dní
Draws on the philosophies of the Rich Dad series about making a successful transition from employee to company owner, in a guide for aspiring entrepreneurs that shares firsthand accounts of people who achieved success. Reissue. 100,000 first printing...
Knihabrožovaná väzba16,50 €Na sklade 1 ks
The financial entitlement mentality is epidemic. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki, both successful businessmen, believe you can only solve money problems with financial education. Trump and Kiyosaki want to teach you to be rich...
Knihabrožovaná väzba9,30 €Viac ako 30 dní
Citing the factors that make typical investments insufficient for one's average long-term needs, a guide to maximizing returns offers advice on how to speed up investments and enable high-rate growth. Reissue. 100,000 first printing...
Knihabrožovaná väzba19,58 €Viac ako 30 dní
Warum bleiben die Reichen reich und die Armen arm? Weil die Reichen ihren Kindern beibringen, wie sie mit Geld umgehen müssen, und die anderen nicht! Die meisten Angestellten verbringen im Laufe ihrer Ausbildung lieber Jahr um Jahr...
Knihabrožovaná väzba18,99 €Na sklade 1 ks
Few would argue with the fact that, on many fronts, we are a world in crisis. And there are two sides to every crisis, be it a leadership crisis, an economic crisis, an education crisis or a moral crisis...
Knihabrožovaná väzba19,99 €Viac ako 30 dní
The rich know that times of greatest crisis are often the greatest opportunities to acquire wealth. In this book Robert Kiyosaki teaches how to build your financial ark to navigate turbulent economic waters...
Knihabrožovaná väzba16,09 €Viac ako 30 dní
If you dont plan on working hard all your life this is the book for you. If youre ready to retire (or would like to retire early enough to enjoy the retirement years) you can learn from Roberts...
Knihabrožovaná väzba10,44 €Viac ako 30 dní
Why do the rich get richer even in a financial crisis? In his new book the bestselling author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" confirms his message and challenges readers to change their context and act in a new way...
Čítanávýborný stav12,20 €Na sklade
17,43 €Viac ako 30 dní
Many of our global economic problems started in 1971...when President Richard Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard. Throughout history, when a government went off the gold standard, an age of turbulence began...
Knihabrožovaná väzba9,30 €Viac ako 30 dní
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