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Spiritualita bez náboženství 

Publikace je určena všem, kteří sice nevyznávají žádné náboženství, ale současně jim připadá, že v prožitcích postav, jako je Ježíš, Buddha, Lao-c’, Rúmí a další mudrci minulosti, lze najít důležité pravdy.

Svobodná vůle 

Existence svobodné vůle je natolik přesvědčivá iluze, že lidé jednoduše odmítají uvěřit, že by tomu mohlo být jinak. Sam Harris ve své knize kombinuje poznatky neurovědy a psychologie, aby tuto iluzi s konečnou platností odmítl.

Islám a budoucnost tolerance - Sam Harris, Mádžíd Nawáz, Volvox Globator, 2016
Islám a budoucnost tolerance 

Sam Harris a Mádžid Nawáz napsali svou knížku jako pozvánku pro každého, kdo se chce připojit k této naléhavě potřebné debatě: Je islám náboženstvím míru, nebo války? Je toto náboženství ochotné reformovat se? Proč se zdá, že tolik muslimů přitahuje...

The Four Horsemen: The Discussion that Sparked an Atheist Revolution - Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel C. Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Bantam Press, 2019
The Four Horsemen: The Discussion that Sparked an Atheist Revolution 

Known as the 'four horsemen' of New Atheism, these four big thinkers of the twenty-first century met only once. Their electrifying examination of ideas on this remarkable occasion was intense and wide-ranging. Everything that was said as they agreed...

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Making Sense - Sam Harris, Corgi Books, 2021
Making Sense 

Harris's search for deeper understanding of how we think has led him to engage and exchange with some of our most brilliant and controversial contemporary minds...

Free Will - Sam Harris, Simon & Schuster, 2012
Free Will 

A Belief in Free Will touches nearly everything that human beings value. It is difficult to think about law, politics, religion, public policy, intimate relationships, morality—as well as feelings of remorse or personal achievement ...

Are We Alone in the Universe? (EN) 

In this episode of the podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Neil deGrasse Tyson about our place in the universe. They discuss our current understanding of extra-solar planets, the prospect that there is complex life elsewhere in the galaxy, the Fermi problem,

The Edge of Humanity (EN) 

In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Yuval Noah Harari about his new book 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. They discuss the importance of meditation for his intellectual life, the primacy of stories, the need to revise our f

Absolutely Mental (EN) 

In this series of phone calls you can hear a sample of conversations between Sam Harris and Ricky Gervais Ricky Gervais calls Sam to ask why we dream? They discuss why puns are terrible and breakdown some of the mechanics of comedy. Ricky Gervais calls to

Jack Dorsey (EN) 

In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Jack Dorsey about how he manages his dual CEO roles at Square and Twitter, the role that Twitter plays in journalism, how it’s different from other social media, what makes a conversati

Is Buddhism True? (EN) 

Robert Wright is the New York Times bestselling author of The Evolution of God (a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize), Nonzero, The Moral Animal, Three Scientists and their Gods (a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award). He is the co-founder an

Islam and the Future of Tolerance - Sam Harris, Maajid Nawaz, Harvard Business Press, 2015
Islam and the Future of Tolerance 

In this deeply informed exchange, Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz present an antidote to the polarizing rhetoric and obscurantism that define our time: honest dialogue. Guided by a commitment to the belief that no ...

Stephen Fry (EN) 

In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Stephen Fry about comedy, atheism, political correctness, meditation, ambition, empathy, psychedelics, Christopher Hitchens, Stephen’s experience of manic depression, and much else. Ste

Sacred & Profane (EN) 

In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris gets together with Bill Maher and Larry Charles to celebrate the 10th anniversary of their film "Religulous." They discuss religion, politics, comedy, and other dangerous topics. Bill Maher has set t

The End of Faith - Sam Harris, Simon & Schuster, 2006
The End of Faith 

This important and timely book delivers a startling analysis of the clash of faith and reason in today's world. Sam Harris offers a vivid historical tour of mankind's willingness to suspend reason in favour of religious beliefs, even when those beliefs...

Psychedelics and the Self (EN) 

In this episode of the podcast, Sam Harris speaks with James Fadiman about the psychedelic experience. They discuss who should and shouldn’t take psychedelics, set and setting, the role of a guide, the effects of microdosing, the difference between MDMA

Ricky Gervais (EN) 

In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Ricky Gervais. They discuss fame, the effect of social media, the changing state of comedy, offensive jokes, Louis CK, political hypocrisy, Brexit and Trump, the state of journalism, and

Thinking in Public (EN) 

Neil deGrasse Tyson is the head of Hayden Planetarium in New York City and the first occupant of its Frederick P. Rose Directorship. He is also a research associate of the Department of Astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural History. His research

The Moral Landscape - Sam Harris, Black Swan, 2012
The Moral Landscape 

Sam Harris's first book, The End of Faith, ignited a worldwide debate about the validity of religion. In the aftermath, Harris discovered that most people - from religious fundamentalists to nonbelieving scientists...

Waking Up - Sam Harris, Transworld, 2015
Waking Up 

For the millions of people who want spirituality without religion, Sam Harris's new book is a guide to meditation as a rational spiritual practice informed by neuroscience and psychology. From bestselling author, neuroscientist, ...

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„Knihy by mali byť tam, kde si ich budú najviac vážiť, a nie ležať zaprášené na zabudnutej polici, nemyslíš? “

Brisingr - Christopher Paolini, 2009
  • Christopher Paolini